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Most Believe Americans Have Forgotten 9/11

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Ridgew0od NJ, Saturday will mark the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that killed 3,000 Americans, and voters believe many of their fellow citizens have forgotten the horrors of that day. Most now fear domestic terrorism more than a foreign attack.

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Today, we honor the memory of those we lost on September 11, 2001

September 11th Terror Attacks

Today, we honor the memory of those we lost on September 11, 2001. On that day, the lives of nearly 3,000 people were tragically cut short at the hands of those who sought only suffering and destruction. The innocent victims were our fathers, our mothers, our daughters, our sons, and our friends. They were the brave and selfless few that raced to help in the minutes, days, and weeks after the attacks. Today we honor their sacrifice.

While lives were taken and property was destroyed, what the terrorists were truly seeking to attack that day was our resolve and our spirit. They wanted the American people to cower and relinquish the most fundamental right that we hold dear—our freedom.

Unfortunately for them, our armed forces abroad and our first responders here at home—the most dedicated and well-trained people on the planet—have never backed down from a challenge since our country was founded nearly 250 years ago. And these brave men and women have the unwavering support of millions of Americans who cherish their freedom and stand by those who fight for it.

As we pause to remember all that we lost on that day 15 years ago, we must remember that our flag still proudly flies here and across the world. We must remember that the terrorists failed to take what they wanted most—our nation’s belief in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. And as our country continues to face adversaries here and abroad, we must remember just how precious life and freedom truly are.

Let us never forget those we lost 15 years ago today. May God bless the United States of America.

Rep. Scott Garrett (CD5)