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Ridgewood accepts the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge


Fmr resident George Bush taking the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Ridgewood accepts the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

AUGUST 21, 2014    LAST UPDATED: THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 2014, 4:41 PM

Ice-cold water has been raining down on Ridgewood this past month, but the drenched are all smiles.

Last Friday, 11 teachers at Sara’s Pre-School on Prospect Street in Ridgewood lined up with buckets in front of the playground. About 50 children, ages 3-7, watched excitedly as their grimacing-but-game teachers poured ice-cold buckets of water on their heads, one by one.

“Do it again!” “Do it again!” “Do it again!” chanted the children.

These teachers are just a few of those in the village who are eagerly participating in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, the now-ubiquitous social media campaign that promotes awareness of the progressive neurodegenerative disease amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, commonly referred to as ALS or “Lou Gehrig’s Disease.”

At this point, anyone with a Facebook profile knows that the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has exploded since it began earlier this summer, thanks to a chain reaction of ice bucket “challengers” who have nominated their Facebook friends to either post Facebook videos of themselves pouring ice water over their heads or donate to the ALS Association (or both).

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