Andrew & Susan finally admit they are James Bombase , and support Paul Aronsohn
Andrew & Susan
Submitted on 2012/05/02 at 8:20 pm
Wrong! Unlike this blog we post opposing views. Many posters have told us that this blog will not post anything against Killion or for Arohsohn. You PJ have been bought and paid for by Killion and his lapdogs and that is so obvious it is sickening.
Andrew and Sue?? Ha ha!! finally Jim Bombace reveals himself in his reply to the post. Hey Jim, the James referred to is the James from the Patch not you James Bombace. Everyone knows that “Andrew and Sue” is Jim Bombace and that you have such venom for Keith. How dare you knock Keith and what he has given back to Ridgewood over the years. At least he took a shower and showed up to work in a clean shirt.. yuck!! You really need to find a hobby and get a life. Your obsession with Village affairs is over the top. You should have had that much energy when you were on the job. Small minded individuals like yourself perpetuate the negative image of Ridgewood to others, Do something positive for the Village. Volunteer your time and talent. Take your $100K plus pension and enjoy life!
“Andrew/Susan” post: Sorry, I don’t think that’s true. I have posted things both against Killion and also for Aronsohn on this blog before.
I’ve certainly read many opposing views on this blog on a wide variety of topics.
And at least for me — I’m nobody’s lapdog, thank you. I often disagree with people on one issue who I might completely agree with and support on other issues. To me, it’s not about personalities but issues.
I’m not the moderator nor owner and this isn’t my blog. Personally I try to read info from many sources, including your blog too. And the fact is, the moderator posted YOUR post here too– did he not?
I don’t expect any blog to have completely “unbiased” views since by nature people on all sides (many with agendas all their own) are going to post on them. What is wrong with that? I certainly have many times perceived a def. point of view and agenda over at your blog too.
People can read your stuff and agree or disagree. And if they feel you consistently have a viewpoint or agenda they really can’t agree with, they can decide NOT to read your stuff, too. The choice is theirs.
It’s like an editorial page or letters to the ed section. Do you expect that to be strictly a “just the facts” news report? I hope you don’t.
Many times the REAL facts are not very clear with many issues, and questions need to be asked and info uncovered about the story behind the story and how often there are other agendas and forces at work that are not at first blush apparent.
Blogs can be a great way the little guy can have a voice in that, and help raise awareness and ask the questions that many news sources don’t ask.