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New Bill Would Require all School Bus Drivers to Undergo Additional Random Drug and Alcohol Testing


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, a week after New Jersey’s legal recreational marijuana sales officially started, Assemblyman Robert Auth and Assemblywoman DeAnne DeFuccio say they plan to introduce a bill requiring school bus drivers to undergo additional random drug and alcohol testing.

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Re-Elect Bob Auth and Deanne DeFuccio for Assembly

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by Michael Schnoll
Election season is once again upon us. I could not be more thrilled to have Jack Ciattarelli leading our Republican ticket as our must needed candidate for Governor. Jack IS New Jersey, and will be a Governor for ALL of New Jersey. I have been extremely privileged to get to know Jack over the last few years, to Intern for him, and learn about his vision for a better Garden State. But, there are so many more races on the ballot below the gubernatorial level which have serious implications on our way of life. Nearly two years ago, just prior to casting my first ever ballot, I had the opportunity to write a letter urging the voters of the 39th Legislative District to re-elect our Assembly members. It would be more than an understatement to say that “so much has changed since then.” The world appeared to be at a standstill just a few months following that November 2019 election. Our way of life was changed in ways we would never imagine. I, and so many others were robbed of the remainder of our senior year of high school, the first quarter of college, and, it still doesn’t seem to be “normal” just yet. “Healthcare” policy discussions went from talking about single payer/”Medicare for all” to whether or not we should force Americans to take an injection. “Education” policy discussions went from talking about student loans and standardized testing to whether or not face masks ought to be strapped onto the faces of two year olds. This is actually what we have come to. In just several months, thanks to the many uncertainties regarding the 2020 presidential election, the United States went from being that shining city on a hill under President Trump’s leadership, to a country that is being held together by its last thread. 

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