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Valley Health System Announces the Appointment of Robert Brenner, MD, as New CEO

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, Adding to his current responsibilities of System President, Valley Health System has announced the promotion of Robert Brenner, MD, MMM, FACHE, to the position of System President and Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Brenner will replace long-serving System CEO Audrey Meyers, FACHE, who will assume the role of System CEO Emeritus.

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It’s Official, The Valley Hospital Has Moved from Ridgewood to Its New Home in Paramus

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Paramus NJ, The Valley Hospital has officially moved from Ridgewood, New Jersey, to Paramus, New Jersey. The hospital, now located at 4 Valley Health Plaza in Paramus, is now open to provide acute and emergency care to the community.

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The Valley Hospital Earns an “A” for Patient Safety


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, The Valley Hospital is proud to have been recognized with an “A” grade for patient safety for the thirteenth time from The Leapfrog Group‘s Fall 2018 Hospital Safety Grade. Valley was one of 855 hospitals to receive an “A,” ranking it among the safest hospitals in the United States.

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Valley’s Audrey Meyers Named to State Senator Weinberg’s Women’s Power List


November 29,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, New Jersey State Senator Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg has released her 2016 Women’s Power List, an annual compilation of the most powerful and influential women in New Jersey.  Valley Health System is proud to announce that Audrey Meyers, President and CEO of The Valley Hospital and Valley Health System, has been named to this prestigious list for the second consecutive year.

Stated Senator Weinberg, “A big thank you to all the strong and successful women in Trenton and around the state — far too many to name — who continue to add cracks to the glass ceiling, and who I know will contribute to the effort to finally shatter it.”

“I congratulate all the women named to Senator Weinberg’s Power list, and am proud to be included among them,” said Meyers.

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CEO pay at N.J.’s non-profit hospitals is a big issue. Here’s what Top 10 make


7. Audrey Meyers, Valley Hospital: $2.2 million

By Susan K. Livio | NJ Advance Media for
on September 22, 2016 at 7:15 AM, updated September 22, 2016 at 5:02 PM

TRENTON — Ask hospital leaders whether New Jersey’s nonprofit hospital CEOs earn too much money, and they will confidently say no. Their compensation packages are based on what other CEOs are making in a highly competitive market.

But a tax court judge last summer sharply disagreed with that assessment, describing this method of comparison as a “wholly self-serving” justification.

State Tax Court Judge Vito Bianco ruled Morristown Medical Center should lose its tax-exempt status — in part because of its parent company CEO’s $5 million-a-year pay package.

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Valley Hospital Management Missteps lead to Poor Public Image and lack of Progress toward Future

March 21,2016
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Audrey Meyers President and CEO, Valley Hospital remains one of the highest paid executives in New Jersey , yet
many residents are far from convinced she has done a good job.

Lets face it the Valley expansion like it or not has wasted a huge amount of time for the hospital while its competitors have better positioned themselves through strategic acquisitions . Valley has floundered in self indulgent arrogance and still has not been able to expand in Ridgewood . Audrey Meyers strategy of “my way or no way” has so far failed to make head way in the Village . While other major project like NJ Transit’s massive renovation on the Ridgewood Train station , trestle and elevated tracks is just a distant memory Audrey has made little to no head way despite devastation public relations reversals .

Readers for or against the expansion question why she still has the support of the trustees and wonder if she had shown even and once of flexibility the hospital expansion like the train station would have already been a thing of the past .
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Audrey Meyers, of The Valley Hospital the Highest Paid Non-Profit hospital CEO in New Jersey?


Audrey Meyers, of The Valley Hospital the Highest Paid Non-Profit hospital CEO in New Jersey?

From the article ; Medical millionaires: The compensation packages of hospital heads are drawing attention by Beth Fitzgerald , Among other notable 2012 paychecks for New Jersey hospital system CEOs:

Such salary figures are not limited to the heads of giant health care systems. All these CEO’s came out as salary winners, تنزيل BetWinner . NJBIZ found the leaders of other well-known hospitals around the state earned similar salaries in 2012.

Audrey Meyers, the CEO of The Valley Hospital in Ridgewood, earned $2.18 million.

Michael Maron, the CEO of Holy Name Medical Center in Teaneck, was paid $1.83 million.

Barry S. Rabner, the CEO of Princeton Healthcare System, received $1.35 million.

John T. Gribbin, the CEO of CentraState Medical Center in Freehold, earned $1.2 million.

Gary S. Horan, the CEO of Trinitas Regional Medical Center in Elizabeth, was paid $1.19 million

Douglas Duchak, the former CEO of Englewood Hospital and Medical Center, made $999,023.

The compensation comes at a time when the Affordable Care Act has the health care industry searching for ways to cut the ever-expanding cost of care.

Industry insiders will point to this idea as a reason for such salaries, saying these leaders are driving the search for such savings — and doing it at a time when some hospitals in the state are on the verge of bankruptcy and in danger of closing.

The salaries of the hospital heads are not unusual for CEOs in New Jersey. In fact, they are far below what others are earning.

The NJBIZ list of the highest-paid CEOs of public companies lists 25 making more than $7 million annually — and 45 making more than $3 million.

The difference, Berger said, is that these salaries were earned at public for-profit companies.

“I have no problem with people becoming millionaires if they’re not working for a tax-subsidized nonprofit,” he said.

Medical millionaires: The compensation packages of hospital heads are drawing attention

By Beth Fitzgerald
March 5, 2014 at 1:02 PM