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Mahwah Mayor Parties Hard

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ,  Mayor John Roth of Mahwah apparently like to party and party hard ,according to an interview he gave  to and the USA TODAY NETWORK New Jersey
the 70 year old became so drunk at a township employee’s house party that he took off his pants and passed out in her empty bed without her permission.

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Close Encounters Of The Jersey Kind?

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Morristown NJ, Strange lights were seen hovering over Morris County in New Jersey.  According to CBS  people are asking ,was it a UFO or is there an explanation for it?

Strange, red, blinking lights could be seen across Morris County on Monday night, and officials thought they had figured out what caused them. Some suggested and aircraft or balloons.

Now, they’re not so sure.

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