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In Mahwah Growing Bamboo Can Get You Fined

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photo by ArtChick

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Mahwah NJ, the Township of Mahwah  has joined a growling list  of New Jersey municipalities  to pass an ordinance that limits new plantings of Bamboo to impervious above-ground planters or 30-inch-deep polypropylene-lined trenches .Neighbors and the township may also seek owner reimbursement for removing invasive bamboo, and violations of a township notice to clear the plantings will result in a fine of $1,000 per day the violation continues.

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Invasive plant species threaten New Jersey landscape


James M. O’Neill , Staff Writer, @JamesMONeill15:54 p.m. ET June 14, 2017

As peak gardening season lures North Jersey homeowners to landscape supply centers, they buy and cart home many shrubs and trees that — just over the state line in New York — are prohibited in suburban yards.

Many Northeast states have cracked down on the sale of non-native plant species because they out-compete and suffocate native plant species that birds, butterflies and other insects rely on for food. Some environmentalists describe these invasive non-natives as if they were thugs marauding through area forests.