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Brush Fire Near Ridgewood and Glen Rock Linked to Three Young Boys, Police Say

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photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

the staff of the ridge wood blog

Glen Rock NJ, a Sunday afternoon brush fire near the Ridgewood/Glen Rock border has been traced to the actions of three boys, aged 8 to 13, according to Glen Rock police. The incident, which occurred in a wooded area behind Demarest Street, prompted a swift response from local law enforcement and specialized fire investigation teams.

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Bergen County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit Presents a special plaque of gratitude to the Founders of Oradell Animal Hospital

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Oradell NJ, Bergen County Sheriff’s Office K-9 Unit gave a special plaque of gratitude in the name of Dr. Anthony Palminteri, who co-founded the Oradell Animal Hospital in 1961.
Sheriff Anthony Cureton presented the plaque in honor of Dr. Palminteri to his wife, Gail.

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Two Men Arrested With 360 Pounds of Marijuana after Traffic Stop on Interstate 80 East in Lodi


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Lodi NJ, Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella announced the arrests of SHAWN R. PORTER (DOB: 8/19/86; single; unemployed) of 201-95 Twenty-Fifth Street, Etobicoke, Canada and JEREMY M. WINDOLOSKI (DOB: 6/24/97; single; limo driver) of 478 River Road, Hogansburg, New York on drug offenses. The arrests are the result of an investigation conducted by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office under the direction of Chief Robert Anzilotti.

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