photo courtesy of Boyd Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the “Black Lives Matter” protesters made the following demands to create a more “woke” classroom in Ridgewood . The demands clearly put ideology over learning and attempt to drag Ridgewood’s $115 million dollar school budget into the “cultural revolution” ie even more Marxism. We are left to wonder how long Ridgewood residents will continue to pay exorbitant property taxes and what impact this will have on the quality of education.
“Among the demands are four specific ones, related to education in Ridgewood. One, that the village’s “Eurocentric” curriculum be dismantled. Two, that there be “mandatory anti-racist training’s for students and teachers.” Three, that there be “more Black teachers, staff and leadership.” And four, that there be a “Ridgewood Public Schools Resource office” to support students of color.