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Ridgewood “Black Lives Matter” Protesters Demand a more “Woke” Classroom

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photo courtesy of Boyd Loving

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the “Black Lives Matter” protesters  made the following demands to create a more “woke” classroom in Ridgewood . The demands clearly put ideology over learning and  attempt to drag Ridgewood’s $115 million dollar school budget into the “cultural revolution” ie even more Marxism.  We are left to wonder how long Ridgewood residents  will continue to pay exorbitant property taxes and what impact this will have on the quality of education.

“Among the demands are four specific ones, related to education in Ridgewood. One, that the village’s “Eurocentric” curriculum be dismantled. Two, that there be “mandatory anti-racist training’s for students and teachers.” Three, that there be “more Black teachers, staff and leadership.” And four, that there be a “Ridgewood Public Schools Resource office” to support students of color.

13 thoughts on “Ridgewood “Black Lives Matter” Protesters Demand a more “Woke” Classroom

  1. Seriously? Seriously

  2. I have an idea for these dipshits.
    Lets defund the schools.
    Go to school in Paterson if you really care.
    LOSER spoiled brats

  3. Parents should demand they are forced to learn history because they clearly have not

  4. Thinks that, had this season of protests come before the Ridgewood District sent all of its students home, our high school Principal Gorman would have been fairly tripping over himself to pause academic instruction and authorize and encourage a walkout and a rollicking good BLM protest by the maximum number of RHS students during the school day, all fully covered by prog-friendly media outlets. Because powder keg, dontcha know.

  5. Ridiculous. Amazing that people can be so misguided and stupid with so much knowledge at our fingertips.

  6. Why don’t they protest in front of the Board of Ed if they want all this stuff?

  7. I think the fact that they have all these demands for the school system ,yet didn’t protest in front of the BOE on Cottage place says it all ,……..NJEA sponsors, BOE sponsors, Teacher and administrator sponsors… ????

  8. Give me a break…Try a seminar that clearly lays out the BLM mission statement …the anti america, anti small business, socialist organization that funnels their funding to the DNC. Lets see this organization protest in Chicago in effort to stop or at least reduce the 50-100 shootings each weekend.

  9. “Wise Latina” There you go. You are spot on. You you think that some of these poster would have figured that out.

    “Among the demands are four specific ones, related to education in Ridgewood. But let’s march everywhere but in front of the Board of Ed.


  11. It’s not cheap to live in Ridgewood. If you live in Ridgewood, you probably have surpassed many economic and social hurdles regardless of your race and there may be more parity among the residents than these kids give them credit for. However, the NJEA only survives on a victim mentality and wishes to encourage the same. These kids prove to me that they probably didn’t listen to their parents and would probably not listen to lessons approved by, and taught by NJEA members. More classes means more money and we all know that throwing money at a problem is not the best solution.

  12. The inmates are running the asylum.

  13. More black teachers?
    Because their black?
    Is that going to make junior feel better?
    Hey junior….get you head out of your Marxist ass.
    It’s about who’s qualified for the position not the colour of your skin…frickin morons

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