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NJ Assembly Passes Bill to Combat Bomb Scares


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

TRENTON NJ,  Jewish centers and synagogues have experienced bomb threats as the number of bias incidents in the state significantly increased. On Monday, the Assembly unanimously passed a bill (A724), co-sponsored by Assemblyman Kevin J. Rooney, allowing the crime of creating a false public alarm to be charged as bias intimidation.

“Criminals who make hate-filled threats against a religious community will be punished properly under this bill,” said Rooney (R-Bergen). “We will protect people’s right to practice their religion and we will not tolerate bomb threats.”

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Bergen County high schools disrupted by Robo-call threats deemed safe

Waldwick Middle School-High School on Lock Down

file photo by Boyd Loving


The FBI is assisting Bergen County in its investigation of bomb threats that disrupted school Friday morning at five high schools and were declared to be hoaxes, said Doreen Holder, a public information officer for the federal agency

Bergen County Sheriff’s spokesman Anthony Cureton said all of the schools received threatening robo-calls. Schools in Bergenfield, Hackensack, Teaneck and Waldwick have been determined to be safe by the sheriff’s bomb squad. Mahwah High School was still being searched by authorities shortly before 11 a.m.

Teaneck High School students were evacuated this morning due to a bomb threat but have since returned, Police Deputy Chief Glenn O’Reilly said. The school was deemed safe after a search. The school’s Principal Dennis Heck said in an audio message to parents that the school was evacuated due to a threat, but he did not characterize the threat. Heck asked parents not to pick up their students. The principal at the Lowell Elementary School, which was not affected, characterized the incident as “swatting” in a message to parents.