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Ridgewood Emergency Services going bye-bye?

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, It is being reported that Ridgewood Village Manager Heather Mailander has opted not to appoint a new Chief of Ridgewood Emergency Services (to replace former Chief Ryan Savaria, who moved out of state), but instead has directed that all Emergency Services personnel now report to Ridgewood Fire Chief John Judge.

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Ridgewood Mayor Swears In Two Career Firefighters Including the First Female in Bergen County

ridgewood firedepartment

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

June 8,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ , Recently hired Ridgewood FD Career Firefighters Dane Knudsen and Shelby Taylor were sworn in by Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen during a ceremony held at Ridgewood Village Hall on Wednesday evening, 06/07.

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Firefighter Taylor, a former member of the United States Marine Corps, is the first female Career Firefighter in the Department’s history, and is also believed to be the first full-time, paid female firefighter to serve a Bergen County municipality.

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