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Catholic Priest Sentenced to Four Years in Prison for Sexually Assaulting Teenager in 1990s

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First guilty plea secured by Attorney General’s Clergy Abuse Task Force

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Phillipsburg NJ, Attorney General Gurbir S. Grewal and Middlesex County Prosecutor Andrew C. Carey announced that a Roman Catholic priest was sentenced to prison today for sexually assaulting a teenage girl in the early 1990s.  He is the first defendant to be charged and convicted by the Clergy Abuse Task Force formed by Attorney General Grewal in September 2018. 

Father Thomas P. Ganley, 64, of Phillipsburg, N.J., was sentenced to four years in state prison by Superior Court Judge Diane Pincus in Middlesex County.  He pleaded guilty on April 8 to second-degree sexual assault.  In pleading guilty, he admitted that he engaged in sexual acts with the victim when she was 16 or 17 years old, at a time when he had supervisory authority over her.  Ganley was a priest at Saint Cecelia Church in the Iselin section of Woodbridge when the criminal acts occurred and had supervisory authority over the victim as head of the Youth Ministry for the parish.

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Capitalism is moral, and it works: Catholic priest


By Editor on September 21, 2015

The voluntary exchange of goods and services, the essence of capitalism, is the most moral way to organize an economy. (It’s really self organizing mostly.) You give me something I want. I give you something you want. We both walk away better for the transaction.

Whereas socialism, often couched as somehow morally superior to capitalism, is based fundamentally on theft. Be it of wages, time, property etc. It is driven by force. As such it is deeply immoral.

Ask yourself how you would feel if someone walked up to you with a gun and demanded 30% of your wages. The bandit however assures you that the money he takes will go to help people who “need” your money more than you do. You may not however even know how the money which is stolen from you is spent. How would you feel? Would you go to the ATM and just hand the money over knowing that though you were being robbed your money was being given to people who “needed” it? (Probably the robber’s “needy” friends.)

Would you be OK with this? If you are not consider how similar this is to our current crony capitalist/socialist lite system we have in the USA. The only difference is the robber has an officially issued badge when he takes your wages and property.

Of course when someone has a gun it is generally wise to just fork over the money. But it sure isn’t a “moral.” situation.