June 23,2014
Ridgewood NJ, The 4th of July Committee has spotted this past Sunday, the first chairs out for the parade! A whooping 13 days in advance of Ridgewood’s 4th of July Celebration might be a new record!
Join Ridgewood’s July 4th Committee to help with Parade & Fireworks!
The Ridgewood Fourth of July is looking for volunteers for the Parade and Fireworks. Please volunteer as a parade marshall or for the evening program. All volunteers receive a signature Ridgewood Fourth of July t-shirt and a free ticket to the evening entertainment and fireworks. As we are a non-profit we can also offer community service hours to students. Please contact us on Facebook, at RidgewoodJuly4th.com or attend our volunteer meeting Wednesday, July 1st at 7:30 p.m. at the Firehouse. The Ridgewood Fourth of July Celebration is an all-volunteer organization supported entirely by private donations. Support the Tradition.
Don’t forget to donate at www.RidgewoodJuly4th.com every dollar counts. This day would not be possible without your support!!