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Children’s Aid and Family Services is Offering a Free Program for Ridgewood Families

BCUD SFP 2022 Ridgewood scaled

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Children’s Aid and Family Services is offering a free program for families that are coming to Ridgewood .This free program is being run with space provided by West Bergen Mental Healthcare; however, families do not need to be receiving their services or looking to receive their services.

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Ridgewood Police officers quell disturbance at the Woodlea Group Home

Ridgewood Police Department officers were summoned to quell a disturbance at the Woodlea Group Home

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook page

June 8,2016

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, More than one half dozen uniformed and plain clothes Ridgewood Police Department officers were summoned to quell a disturbance at the Woodlea Group Home, 138 Prospect Street, Ridgewood late Tuesday afternoon, 06/07. One juvenile female was transported under police guard to Bergen Regional Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation after the situation was brought under control. Ridgewood EMS and Ridgewood FD first responders were dispatched to the location in connection with an individual who reportedly suffered human bite wounds during the disturbance. No victims were observed being transported from the scene by ambulance. Woodlea is a home for foster juvenile females operated by the Children’s Aid and Family Services organization of Paramus.

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Bob Jones ready to retire after 30 years with Children’s Aid and Family Services



Bob Jones ready to retire after 30 years with Children’s Aid and Family Services

February 6, 2015    Last updated: Friday, February 6, 2015, 10:51 AM
By Darius Amos
Staff Writer |
The Ridgewood News

Robert “Bob” Jones always hoped he’d give back to his community. Having served the past three decades as chief executive of the Children’s Aid and Family Services (CAFS), it’s clear that he accomplished just that.

Now 62 years old, Jones is ready for a fully dedicated family life and will officially hand over the reins of CAFS to new president and CEO Jerrold Binney, a longtime board member, on Feb. 9.

“[It’s] bittersweet, you bet,” Jones said this week about his retirement. “How do you say goodbye to people you love after three decades of a dance? The volunteers, the board and the staff are a joy with whom to work. The positive energy they create and share is inspiring and healing. They are simply amazing and I will miss them dearly.