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5,000-Year-Old Nativity Scene Found in Egypt

5000-Year-Old Nativity Scene

Ancient cave art in the Egyptian Sahara desert depicts two parents, a baby and a star in the east.

Marco Morelli

Italian researchers have discovered what might be the oldest nativity scene ever found — 5,000-year-old rock art that depicts a star in the east, a newborn between parents and two animals.

The scene, painted in reddish-brown ochre, was found on the ceiling of a small cavity in the Egyptian Sahara desert, during an expedition to sites between the Nile valley and the Gilf Kebir Plateau.

“It’s a very evocative scene which indeed resembles the Christmas nativity. But it predates it by some 3,000 years,” geologist Marco Morelli, director of the Museum of Planetary Sciences in Prato, near Florence, Italy, told Seeker.

Morelli found the cave drawing in 2005, but only now his team has decided to reveal the amazing find.

“The discovery has several implications as it raises new questions on the iconography of one of the more powerful Christian symbols,” Morelli said.

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New Fascism Hits College Campuses


UNL students restricted by new ‘respect’ policy

‘Nonnegotiable’ list of expected beliefs about diversity and inclusion

Calling the University of Nebraska Lincoln a place that “values acceptance,” the institution kicked off the fall semester with its newly installed chancellor essentially telling new students they should not say or do things that might be offensive or cause people to feel disrespected, calling the stance “nonnegotiable.”

“We insist on a culture of respect, and we recognize that words and actions really matter,” Chancellor Ronnie Green said during a speech at the new student convocation on Aug. 19.

While suggesting the university values free speech and freedom of expression, Green – who took the helm of UNL this summer – went on to declare: “We do not tolerate actions of hate and disrespect.”

The policy, being called by campus leaders a set of “belief statements” on diversity and inclusion, is also spelled out on its website.

Green’s comments come as Christianity and conservatism — even support of Donald Trump — is accused of being intolerant, hateful and racist on campuses nationwide.

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Rubio: ‘Real and present danger’ that Christianity will be labeled ‘hate speech’


May 26, 2015, 04:19 pm
By Jordain Carney

Christianity is facing a “real and present danger” in the United States due to growing acceptance for gay marriage, Republican presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio said.

“We are at the water’s edge of the argument that mainstream Christian teaching is hate speech. Because today, we’ve reached the point in our society where, if you do not support same-sex marriage, you are labeled a homophobe and a hater,” the Florida Republicantold CBN News.

Rubio said the “next step is to argue that the teachings of mainstream Christianity, the catechism of the Catholic Church, is hate speech, and that’s a real and present danger.”

The comments are the latest in a series of remarks on gay marriage that have put the presidential contender under the media spotlight.

Rubio said earlier this year, also during an interview with CBN News, that it’s “ridiculous and absurd” to believe that there is a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.

Those remarks came ahead of the Supreme Court hearing oral arguments in a case that could lead to same-sex couples being able to marry in all 50 states.

He added in his earlier interview that his stance against same-sex marriage “is not a policy against anyone.”