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PARCC Refuseniks Face Major Set back

April 20, 2011 John de Rosier editorial cartoon

May 24,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood Nj, from “It takes  a Ridgewood Village Facebook page ;

“Please join me in contacting Mr. Jeffrey Hauger, Director of the Office of Assessments for the NJ State Department of Education as we have just been notified that students in the class of 2020 no longer meet graduation requirements if they did not take the PARCC this year. The previous requirements meant that if you took the PARCC ELA Grade 9 and PARCC Algebra 1 and passed, you had met the requirements.

The Department of Education did not notify RHS of the updated requirements until after our tests were already administered, forcing them to be partially re-administered next week. Our school has tried unsuccessfully to appeal this decision and it has been denied. I have many issues with this test, but I really have an issue with them continually adjusting their requirements. Enough. He can be reached at 609-376-3960 or “