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50% of GOP Voters Believe Party Leaders Aren’t Conservative Enough

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Most voters in both major parties believe their ideological views are moving away from party leaders, but the view is more pronounced among Republican voters.

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No Donald Trump is no Libertarian , no conservative and no liberal . Donald Trump is a REAL New Yorker


July 13,2015

Pj Blogger
Ridgewood NJ, Trump has taken the political spectrum by storm ,with his straight talking , often rambling can do common sense style . He has managed to tap into the anger at the political process that leaves most Americans feeling totally disenfranchised and disheartened. For many it seems their own government continues to attack them and the very culture that made this nation great . They the great american middle class have become the enemy ,with virtually every move coming out of Washington perceived as an effort to undermine traditional american values, of hard work, common sense and fair play .The electorate feels powerless as DC peruses a coarse self destruction selling out country . Be it Obamacare which voters opposed , nuke deals with Iran , sanctuary cities , amnesty ,or jamming social policy down everyone’s throats there is a general unease with the direction of things. While skepticism has been meet with cat calls of,racist ,bigot, homophobe or ridiculous edicts ,such as “denier” to many the future looks bleak.

Trump has managed to tap into the national angst with his hard hitting , straight talking New York approach . New York  , is really different . Its huge city , with vast financial resources and global responsibilities . New York is a city of conflict , where people come from all over the world to make their mark . Its the city of non stop hustle ,where people are there to “make money”  and the best and the brightest compete on a global scale on many levels. New York is where huge events  like the New York Marathon and the St Patricks day Parade are run by private organizations and huge museums like the MOMA or the MET are private non profits , where central park is maintained by not only the NY Parks Department but also the private Central Parks Conservatory . New York is a city were people get things done and that is always the priority.So Trump comes out of all this with his ego centric self promotional ways looking to leave his mark on a country that has lost its way . He channels the national angst , with a we can fix this New York common sense attitude and no amount of attacks by the powers that be seem to shake his conviction , that he is Rich and they (DC) are Stupid.

No he is no Libertarian , no conservative and no liberal . Donald Trump is a REAL New Yorker  and he has started the transition of from the age of Cowardice , to a new rebirth of America.  Perhaps he is much like Teddy Roosevelt  who many view as a “progressive” busting trusts and economic monopolies  ,now Trump will bust political monopolies of cowardice, failure , political correctness, insecurity and blatant stupidity.

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The Thanksgiving guide to making conservative arguments liberals can understand


The Thanksgiving guide to making conservative arguments liberals can understand
Timothy P. Carney

November 26th, 2014
Your Baby Boomer aunts are unshakable in their faith in Hillary Clinton. Your nephew Trevor won’t stop spouting vapid Democratic talking points in favor of Obamacare.When Thanksgiving talk turns political, do you feel like you and your liberal relatives can’t communicate?

It’s okay. I can help you. I was born in Greenwich Village to a lawyer dad and community-organizer mom. I used to live on Capitol Hill, and now I live in Montgomery County in Maryland. I even served a year as an MSNBC contributor. This is all to say, I speak liberal.

You won’t win over your lefty in-laws with appeals to liberty. Those warnings about hubris that tickle your Edmund Burke nerve will ring hollow with Nephew Trevor, who is still infected with his 2008 case of Hope & Change. You need to speak their language.

So let me offer my conservative and libertarian readers the first annual Thanksgiving Guide to Making Conservative Arguments in Liberals’ Language.

Regulators will ban your organic kale.

Your liberal relatives generally trust government regulations to solve problems. They don’t sweat the costs to the economy as much as you do. Throw in a healthy distrust of Corporate America — often even an unhealthy disdain for it — and progressives (this is what they call themselves these days) end up regarding regulation as a force for good.

You can plant a seed of skepticism about regulators’ ability to do good, though, by pointing to the salad course Trevor brought. The organic, local, sustainable kale in it might be impossible to get after the Obama administration’s food safety rules go into effect.

The Food Safety Modernization Act that Obama signed is finally being implemented, and it has locavores up in arms. Quote Nathanael Johnson at Grist (your relatives know this site): “Everyone wants safer food, but some small farmers fear the rules could force them out of business.”

Proposed federal rules on manure-spreading and water-testing seem tailored for industrial farming, impossible for smaller farms to meet. As you discuss this, throw in references to author Michael Pollan.

At work here are two dynamics common to regulation: They’re called “regulatory capture” and “the overhead smash.”

Obama’s food safety czar is Michael Taylor, former top lobbyist for Monsanto. (You’ll be amazed at the power of the word “Monsanto” with some of your relatives.) Industrial farms and major food processors hire the best lobbyists and thus get a seat at the table when the FDA writes the rules. Thus, the biggest players in the regulated industry have “captured” the agency that regulates them.

“The overhead smash” is my phrase for the tendency of regulations to add to overhead — the fixed costs of doing business — which smashes smaller competitors while protecting the big guys. In the food safety realm, small farms are begging to be exempted from these rules that only big farms can afford.

In case your aunts think this is an aberration, point them to similar phenomena in the realms of handmade toys, taxi services, bakers, hair-braiders, casket-makers and so on. (All these links are prog-friendly.)

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Why Teenagers Today May Grow Up Conservative


Why Teenagers Today May Grow Up Conservative

JULY 8, 2014

There was a time not so long ago when the young seemed destined to be liberal forever. Americans in their teens and 20s were to the left of their elders on social issues. They worried more about poverty. They voted strongly Democratic.

In retrospect, we refer to this period as the 1960s, and it didn’t last long, let alone forever. Less than a generation after young people were marching for civil rights and against the Vietnam War, they voted overwhelmingly for Ronald Reagan.

Today, of course, the young are liberal again, and it seems as if they will be forever. They favor same-sex marriage, marijuana legalization, stricter gun laws, citizenship for illegal immigrants and an activist government that fights climate change and inequality. The Republican Party, as you have probably noticed, does not.

But the temporary nature of the 1960s should serve as a reminder that politics change. What seems permanent can become fleeting. And the Democratic Party, for all its strengths among Americans under 40, has some serious vulnerabilities, too.