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Reader says Time to End the Reign of Terror in Ridgewood

3 amigos in action Ridgewood NJ

file photo by Boyd Loving

Well, it’s not our government, so it’s on us to Take Back Ridegwood!! Go Monday night to the Valley meeting. Sign the garage petition, talk to your neighbors and friends!! We have a choice we can roll over and do nothing, or get vocal, participate and give it all we got! I know it’s not easy… Exhausting, irritating but we are near a positive change…. The election. Stay strong people, we are near the end of a long and terrible reign.


Final voting registration for the May 10th Municipal Election is April 19th.  To register to vote, individuals may register in the Village Clerk’s office from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM or in the Ridgewood Library Lobby on April 19th from 4:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

REMEMBER : 2012 Ridgewood Election Results

Albert J. Pucciarelli – 2078

Keith Killion – 1711

Rissell R Forenza – 817

Paul Aronsohn – 2479

Mary Jane Shinozuka – 1484

Gwenn H Hauck – 1727

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Reader asks I would like to know if Councilman Pucciarelli and Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck recused themselves from that closed session discussion on Valley

Albert Puccrelli Deputy mayor ridgewood


file photo by Boyd Loving

Reader asks I would like to know if Councilman Pucciarelli and Councilwoman Gwenn Hauck recused themselves from that closed session discussion on Valley


I would like to know if Councilman Pucciarelli and councilwoman Gwenn Hauck recused themselves from that closed session discussion on Valley. After all, Mr Pucciarelli stated during his campaign several times that he would recuse himself if Valley came to the council. In fact, he was very upset that one of his running mates, Russ Forenza, did not disclose his wife’s affiliation with Valley and therefore, Russ would have to recuse himself if he won a seat on council.

The Village Manager was so concerned whether Councilwoman Susan Knudsen should recuse herself from the (Residency) discussion because Susan had relatives on the current police or fire list that she informed Mr. Roger who then suggested to Susan that she recuse herself even though it plainly stated that they were not going to discuss police or fire. When question about this at an open meeting Mr. Roger said something to the effect that you never know were these discussion lead to. Whats changed? If these two did not recuse themselves then how do we know that Valley Hospital maybe privy to inside information. Our Mayor should have know that this would be a hot button item and for transparency reasons he could have made an announcement prior to going into closed session that these two would not attend. I get it .They are just to busy taking care of the chamber and the developers that they don’t have time for civility or transparency

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Councilman Pucciarelli attacks Marcia Ringel for merely exercising her civil right to speak


Councilman Pucciarelli attacks Marcia Ringel for merely exercising her civil right to speak
November 21,2014
Marcia Ringel

On July 21, 2014, after Councilman Pucciarelli had raked me over the coals (and before he did more of it) for my comments on the way the election of mayor and deputy mayor had been arranged with the help of Skype, the mayor took over. In one of his comments he used phrasing identical to what is in his email message posted here.

I was startled, considering that I hadn’t used profanity, approached the dais, even raised my voice–merely exercised my civil right to speak. Haul in the clergy to teach us how to behave? It sounded canned. Five months later, we see that it was.

Next Monday night’s meeting has clearly been in the works since at least early summer. Those words were on the tip of his tongue in July.

[about 16 minutes in:]

Is the intention to use the clergy’s comments as an excuse for rewriting ordinances on public deportment at meetings? Is it appropriate in the first place to introduce clergy to discussions of public issues in such a setting? No.

Should this not be a real public meeting with appropriate public notice–not a private meeting in which the names of attendees are checked in advance? What is happening here? These sort-of-private, sort-of-public meetings on important topics that legally squeak through because fewer than three council members are present are an insult to residents and to the rules of governance. All council members SHOULD be present to hear such things if they are heard at all.

At a council meeting on July 21, 2013, after the Village had refused to buy a Mobi-Chair for Graydon after years of empty talk about making Graydon handicap accessible, I suggested from the podium that the mayor resign, with an apology, from Access for All. I said I could see an invisible “H” on the wall behind the dais, and it stood for Hypocrisy.

[about 10 minutes in:]

That H is getting bigger.

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