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Menendez the Liability


Menendez with the Mayor Photo Boyd Loving

Menendez the Liability

Jul. 16 Bob Menendez, Corruption, Foreign Policy 3 comments

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Fending off foreign intriguers and Communist conspirators isn’t cheap, Save Jerseyans.

According to IRS filings for the legal defense fund of Senator Robert “Hudson Bob” Menendez (D-Dominican Republic, Ecuador) released Tuesday, the Cuban conspiracy *cough cough* to undermine the sitting Senate Foreign Relations Chairman is a $700,000 endeavor to date.

Nice, right?

Our state’s senior senator now owns the distinction of being the U.S. Senate’s most frequently investigated member, gracing the headlines annually for one poor decision or questionable association after another,  but a full 1 1/2 after the New York Times called on Harry Reid to take his gavel away, the man who is also Congress’s senior most foreign policy leader remains at his post without a single call – right or left – for his removal.

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Bob Menendez International Man of Mystery


Bob Menendez International Man of Mystery

Racism? Or Intrigue? Bob Can’t Decide
Jul. 09 Bob Menendez
By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

You couldn’t make this crap up if you tried, Save Jerseyans.

When news initially broke of an alleged Dominican sex scandal involving U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, New Jersey’s senior legislator in the federal upper chamber decried the kerfuffle as the product of “anonymous, faceless, nameless individuals from right-wing sources seeking to destroy a lifetime of work.”

Now Menendez is blaming the story on Cuban intelligence, an angle first advanced by Rep. Albio Sires. Seriously.

Tucker Carlson, whose Daily Caller initially reported the sex scandal, can’t help but take note of the evolving character of Menendez’s operative theory. “I guess this means Menendez no longer thinks the story is part of a racist plot against him, as he initially suggested,” Carlson told the Business Insider. “But Cuban intelligence? It’s a bizarre claim, and self-serving, and they’ve produced no evidence of any kind to prove it. Obviously we’re skeptical, but we’re making calls right now to see what we can dig up.”

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