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Reader Calls for , “penalties for the pedestrians who just walk out in front of cars while not looking either way”


” There should also be penalties for the pedestrians who just walk out in front of cars while not looking either way. It should be mandatory that they take caution and pay attention while walking. I was making a turn onto Ridgewood Avenue the other day and a woman walked out in front of me from between the first car–illegally parked at corner–without looking. Fortunately I was able to slam on my brakes but she never once looked up from her phone. The entire burden of caution should not be placed solely on drivers. The pedestrians who think they have the right of way–even against a red light–should also receive a fine or punishment of some sort! I have another question as well. Where did the pedestrians think that it is a great idea to walk behind a car that is backing up? No one ever stops for a backing car and it is very likely that the driver cannot see them when they suddenly appear behind the car. “