July 15,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, normally we do not publish theses comments , because they lack even the most rudimentary understanding of basic economics and are an attempt to lie and mislead the public, but from time to time we find it necessary to publish these types of comments to show how the powers that be attempt to manipulate
the local taxpayers.
“Ridgewood is being groomed for cash cow status by a handful of entrepreneurs who have invested in the old BoA building, the Old Post Office, Park West among others. They’ve spent a considerable amount of money to open establishments in the CBD, and now want to increase the foot traffic needed to make them profitable. Notice that Kidville has no parking? If the clientele is all based in CBD apartments, no parking will be needed.
I find it fascinating that the readers of this “Laissez-faire” blog have a problem with any of this. This is business at work, and the Master Plan is the only thing in the way. Or are we all NIMBY Libertarians here? Regulation is bad, unless it preserves something near and dear to our hearts? You can’t have it both ways.
Property values, especially those within walking distance of the CBD, will only go up as dining an recreation options multiply.
My only problems with the whole agenda is that it relies on New Jersey Transit’s deteriorating service to transport all the new residents to work in NYC. That, and the schools will suffer. I’m already making a backup plan for my daughter if the High School goes the way I think it will between now an when she is in 9th grade.”
This gave everyone and exceptional laugh .There is so much wrong with this comment showing the level of dishonesty that some are willing to go in an attempt to “get over”
first a definition :
ˌlesā ˈfer/
a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering.
synonyms:noninterventionist, noninterventional, noninterfering; More
abstention by governments from interfering in the workings of the free market.
“laissez-faire capitalism”
synonyms:free enterprise, free trade, nonintervention, free-market capitalism,market forces
“an agenda that embraces the concept of laissez-faire”
Humm no where in the definition of lais·sez-faire does it say taxpayers will finance , and bear the risk for ill conceived business ventures ,in exchange for campaign donations due to changes in existing laws making these ventures possible ie the change in the master plan .
Private enterprise works because it rewards and punishes risk takes .
What you have hear is better known as Crony Capitalism
Crony capitalism is a term describing an economy in which success in business depends on close relationships between business people and government officials. It may be exhibited by favoritism in the distribution of legal permits, government grants, special tax breaks, or other forms of state interventionism.
Which the above comment carefully avoided saying and we corrected : “you missed the Hudson county democrat machine which our mayor represents and is here to milk this town for all its got , the only business people getting deals down town are those contributing”
Our suggestion for the above poster is to move back to Hoboken , its a far better fit for the kind of place you want to live .
For those looking to enlighten themselves on basic economic theory we recommend :
Economics in One Lesson: 50th Anniversary Edition Paperback – September 25, 2008
by Henry Hazlitt (Author), Steve Forbes (Foreword)
Available on Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/Economics-One-Lesson-Anniversary-Edition/dp/0930073193