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Reader says You don’t build for peak use’s economics 101

Parking Walnut lot aside town garage employee spaces less than 33 perent used 330 pm weds feb 8 2017

We voted out the last Gang..perhaps those new folks have crossed the magic river of unreality .You don’t build for peak use times..economics 101.let these terrific business go bond it themselves. Once privately bonded grant them a 30 year ground leased at below market rates,.different story now?.Police don’t patrol think a rent a cop
will make this garage safe late at night..not a chance…useage goes into the can when it becomes a drug and homeless center..then the Car rental and urban blight stores open up 24 /7 for the new homeless..pretty picture
Of Potterville gone Bad..

6 thoughts on “Reader says You don’t build for peak use’s economics 101

  1. As retail continues its demise, the major reason for parking is service-based business – other than transportation. Forget about huge garages, let people stroll a few blocks when necessary.

  2. It’s clear to me that this has absolutely nothing to do with the need or not for additional parking spaces. This is all about a group of people, call them the Parking Lobby, who stand to gain financially and politically from having this monstrosity built. The Parking Lobby consist of lawyers, developers, unions, and the construction company. It’s nothing but classic NJ standard operating procedure where the public purse is under attack by opportunists. It’s not difficult to get away with as the majority of taxpayers remain oblivious to what goes on.

  3. we have stores moving out. the rent is way to high, wait for the next down turn. just rebuild the parking lot’s. repave all of them.

  4. Young people have no idea about window shopping activity..a subtle calming stroll from a parked car on a nearby street to an intended business ,movie or coffee shop.

    Sadly most window shop for a lift thought to come from a small screen of a handheld devise..Adults have fallen into this Trap..its spring look around..
    discover a neighbor,a memory triggered by young kids happily running and interacting with a friend or physical games of chance or skill.A senior needing help or hand to cross a street or take a walk.

  5. The hardline says it all -“You don’t build for peak use times..economics 101”

  6. Economics 202. Get others to pay for what you need.

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