By Sarah Ferris – 12/01/15 11:05 AM EST
The CEO of UnitedHealthCare on Tuesday said he regretted the decision to enter the ObamaCare marketplace last year, which the company says has resulted in millions of dollars in losses.
“It was for us a bad decision,” UnitedHealth CEO Stephen Hemsley said at an investor’s meeting in New York, according to Bloomberg Business.
UnitedHealth, the country’s largest insurer, announced last month that it would no longer advertise its ObamaCare plans over the next year and may pull out completely in 2016 — a move that sent shockwaves across the healthcare sector.
Hemsley’s remarks double down on his earlier warning that the ObamaCare exchanges remain weaker than expected after two years and that it will take far longer for insurers to profit from the millions of new enrollees.
They supported Obamacare and now must be punished by living with the consequences of their actions.
That’s Democracy at work.
They thought that only healthy people would sign up and they bet wrong. Also this company was late to the party the others may not be overly pleased but they are not crying like this guy. No sympathy.
Just like the residents who voted yes for the garage they will regret it.