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Ridgewood Public Library’s ESL Department Celebrates Annual Achievement Event

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the English as a Second Language ESL department at the Ridgewood Public Library recently held its annual celebration to honor the dedication and hard work of both volunteer tutors and students. This vibrant event showcased the cultural diversity and progress made throughout the year. Continue reading Ridgewood Public Library’s ESL Department Celebrates Annual Achievement Event

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Ridgewood Police Chief Luthcke and Captain Lyons gave presentations at the Ridgewood Public Library for the students of the ESL program

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the staf fof the Ridgewod blog

Ridgewood NJ, Ridgewod Police Chief Luthcke and Captain Lyons gave a presentations at the Ridgewood Public Library for the students of the ESL program. Pictured are Chief Luthcke Victoria Hilditch Captain Lyons and Victoria Schnure the ESL coordinators.

What is an ESL Program? English as a Second Language (ESL), also called English as a Foreign Language (EFL), is an English language study program for nonnative speakers.
Most ESL programs have small classes so that students receive individual attention from their teachers.