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UK Study Revealed that the Four-day Workweek could be the Key to Success for Businesses and their Employees

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, an ongoing study conducted on 61 companies in the UK has revealed that the four-day workweek could be the key to success for businesses and their employees. 46% of the companies said productivity remained the same, 34% reported a slight improvement, and 15% reported a significant improvement. Employees reported higher levels of well-being and there was a significant drop in employee turnover. While many employees felt that they had to work faster, most did not feel a significant increase in workload. 56 of the 61 companies are continuing to implement the four-day workweek.

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New Jersey Designers Share Tips to Enhance Your Home Office

Top Tips for Travel Agents Working from Home

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Whether it’s where you do all of your work or just some of it, your home office  should be more than a desk squeezed into a corner. With a little effort, your home office can be designed to foster  productivity, stimulate your creative juices and separate work life from personal life. 

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