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Things That You Need to Consider Before Installing Solar Panels

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As people grow more and more environmentally conscious, they’re trying to do their part by living a “greener” lifestyle. A big part of that is reducing your carbon footprint in various ways – from recycling and composting to driving less and using energy-efficient appliances. However, one of the big ways you can make a dent in your carbon footprint is by installing solar panels. While they undeniably offer many benefits – not just by helping the environment, but also by saving you money on your energy bills in the long run – there are a few things you need to consider before installing them.

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6 Great Reasons To Be More Eco-Friendly

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More and more people decide to go in this direction and focus to impact the planet positively. Different alternatives for plastic bags and chemical products are being made each year. If you are asking yourself, “why should I go green”, the simple answer is there are many benefits that come with that certain lifestyle. It will be discussed here, if you are unsure, what are 6 great reasons to be more eco friendly. 

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Ridgewood Students and Teachers Add Greenery for Back to School

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photo courtesy of the Ridgewood School District

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Keeping things green. To get ready for the opening of school, Hawes teachers were joined by a student to do some planting in the courtyard. What a wonderful way to make Hawes so welcoming.