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The Most Important Steps for Improving the Air Quality in Your Home

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Poor air quality can lead to many health problems, both short- and long-term. It is important to take steps to improve the air quality in your home so that you and your family can breathe easily. In this blog post, we will discuss the most important steps for improving the air quality in your home. So, if you want to know more, keep reading!

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6 Signs That Your Indoor Air-quality Is Bad And Unhealthy For You

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Have you been recently worried about the quality of air that you and your family members are living and breathing in? Well, your concern is not unjustified because the air quality matters more than we acknowledge. However, it may not be quite obvious to many and you might often be wondering how to check if the air that you are breathing in is of high quality at all. To help you with this, we have about 6 signs that will serve as an indicator of indoor air quality and let you identify if it is unhealthy or bad for your health at all. 

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Health Experts : Improve Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation, and Filtration to Stem the Transmission of COVID

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Ridgewood NJ, according to Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security ,scientific evidence increasingly supports the theory that the primary mode of SARS-CoV-2 transmission is through airborne infectious aerosols passed from person-to-person, according to some researchers. In three separate pieces published last week, experts outlined reasoning and evidence supporting SARS-CoV-2 transmission from both near-field and far-field aerosols. In a commentary published April 15 in The Lancet, researchers from the UK, US, and Canada present 10 reasons backing airborne transmission. In another piece published online in JAMA on April 16, experts from Harvard University and the University of Michigan describe the rationale for improving air circulation and filtration in indoor spaces to reduce far-field transmission of SARS-CoV-2 and other respiratory infectious diseases. While noting that airborne viral particles are a significant route of SARS-CoV-2 transmission and calling for improved air ventilation in indoor spaces, experts from the UK, US, and China in an editorial published April 14 in The BMJ also underline the significance of mask quality and fit.

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4 Easy-to-Follow Ways to Improve Indoor Air Quality

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You may not be aware of it but the air quality inside your home may even be more polluted than the air that you are exposed to when you are outdoors. This is because of several other pollutants such as house dust, formaldehyde, and even volatile chemicals that can be found on conventional cleaners that are often found indoors. Rest assured that there are several means on how you will be able to improve your indoor air quality and below are some of them.

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6 Great Reasons To Be More Eco-Friendly

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More and more people decide to go in this direction and focus to impact the planet positively. Different alternatives for plastic bags and chemical products are being made each year. If you are asking yourself, “why should I go green”, the simple answer is there are many benefits that come with that certain lifestyle. It will be discussed here, if you are unsure, what are 6 great reasons to be more eco friendly. 

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