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Back in the Day Harding Pharmacy and Liquors!



Harding Pharmacy and Liquors! : Bolger Heritage Center, Ridgewood Public Library

Check out this awesome picture recently donated by Myron Lesh of Harding Pharmacy and Liquors! Ridgewood Commercial Company, selling carriages, farming implements, etc. was established ca. 1904. The building has changed little over the years and is now the site of Harding Pharmacy and Liquors.

Our collection grows by donations, enabling us to share more of Ridgewood’s history.

We’re open whenever the library is – set up an appointment and stop by and say hi!

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Harding Pharmacy & Liquors Auction


Harding Pharmacy & Liquors Auction

Ridgewood NJ, All of those glowing tributes to Myron Lesh as he closed Harding Pharmacy & Liquors, now it turns out he owed a lot of money?  Anyone Know that this is all about?

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Reader says Harding Pharmacy & Liquors was just another Victim of a legal System the rewards lack of Personal Responsibility


file photo Boyd Loving

Reader says Harding Pharmacy & Liquors was just another Victim of a legal System the rewards lack of Personal Responsibility 

This just shows how densely arranged our legal system really is. Hardings was involved in the lawsuit because they had the most to contribute. If Hardings freely provided the drug or sold the drugs to make a profit maliciously (knowing full well this was to be used illegally at a party) then I can see how they would be at fault.

The homeowner and the ex-employee should have been held completely liable considering the homeowner threw the party serving alcohol to minors and the Ex-Employee actually provided the stolen drugs to the teen (at that time).
The partygoers should have been left harmless because they are not medical professionals that know for a fact Simon was falling into a coma. If anything, this is traumatizing to them and again, this goes back to the homeowner for allowing such a party.

Finally, where is the accountability on the actual abuser of the substance? Oh…he suffers nerve damage and other maladies due to overdose. Yeah….heroin addicts are convicted for doing these drugs and suffer withdrawal…do you see them suing their drug dealers? Also…if a gun was stolen from a gun store and used to kill someone, does this make the gunstore liable for the death? Come on people…if you don’t see how simple and stupid this is, you need to wake up! The legal system is ridiculous and we are allowing it! “We the People…” Not “Our government…”


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Ridgewood pharmacy’s closing a bittersweet pill


Ridgewood pharmacy’s closing a bittersweet pill


It hit people fast, and hard, coming with tears in some cases.

The news was that Harding Pharmacy and Liquors would be closing, possibly this Sunday — and taking with it the friendliness and cute seasonal window displays that customers and residents driving by have come to take for granted.

That, plus decades of Ridgewood history that it built solidly on the corner of East Ridgewood and North Maple avenues.

“I saw [the owner] Myron’s sign that said the store was closing, I just got a little welled up,” said resident Anne Marie Kleiman, who has been going to Harding since 1999. “I gave him a hug.”

That hug has a history: Kleiman recalled pharmacist and 32-year owner Myron Lesh’s congratulatory hug after she became pregnant, and his insistence that she call him and his wife at home any time, night or day, if she needed anything – prescriptions, diapers, whatever. Later, Harding’s clerk became Kleiman’s first babysitter.

“The grandparent of our friend, who is in her 90s now, was a friend of one of Myron’s wife’s aunts,” Kleiman said with a laugh. “They came referred to us from that generation. They came and welcomed us as if we were members of that generation, as well.”

Another sad resident was Kathleen McCormack, whose family has lived in the village since the 1960s.

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Harding Pharmacy & Liquors Set to close on 11/15

Harding Pharmacy & Liquors Set to close on 11/15
November 11,2014
Boyd Loving

Ridgewood NJ, Harding Pharmacy & Liquor, located at 305 East Ridgwood Avenue at the corner of North Maple Avenue, will be closing its doors for good on Saturday, November 15.  Current proprietor Myron Lesh, who purchased the business in the early 1980’s, confirmed this when spoken to in person today.

Rumors are that a “sandwich shop” will soon occupy the premises.  Mr. Lesh will become a pharmacist at an existing pharmacy located in HoHoKus; all Harding prescriptions will be transferred to that location.  No word on who purchased the liquor license, which is good only in Ridgewood.

Mr. Lesh was unable to negotiate a new lease with the building’s owner, CLOTCO, Inc. of Boca Raton, Florida, whose principal owner is Emily S. Danson.

Those in the know say that Harding was in business for 50 years at the same location.

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