photo courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook
Hawthorne Bar Robbed at Gun Point
December 26,2015
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Hawthorne NJ, At approximately 7:30 PM on Friday, 12/25, Hawthorne PD responded to a reported armed robbery of the R.D. Benders bar located at 589 Lafayette Avenue, Hawthorne. Five (5) Hispanic males under the age of 25 reportedly entered the bar and robbed the owner of $185 and a cell phone. Police said that two (2)black handguns were shown along with one (1) knife.
A witness in a nearby apartment building said two (2) vehicles fled the scene headed southbound on Lafayette Avenue. One (1) vehicle was reported to have been black in color, the other white in color. No information was available at the scene as to whether the bar is equipped with security cameras.