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New Jersey Is the State Where Immigrants Have the 3rd Biggest Economic Impact

illegal immigration and undocumented immigrants1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, With immigration reform remaining one of the biggest policy issues in 2019 and border security taking center stage in the longest government shutdown in history, the personal-finance website WalletHub today released its report on 2019’s Economic Impact of Immigration by State as well as accompanying videos.

According to the American Immigration Council , New Jersey hosts 500,000 undocumented immigrants comprised 24 percent of the immigrant population and 5.4 percent of the total state population in 2014.
604,615 people in New Jersey, including 204,946 born in the United States, lived with at least one undocumented family member between 2010 and 2014.

During the same period, 1 in 11 children in the state was a U.S. citizen living with at least one undocumented family member (180,580 children in total).

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Opposing immigration wasn’t always racist


Opposing immigration wasn’t always racist

By Peter Skerry   APRIL 16, 2017

T oday, the battle lines over immigration policy are sharply defined. In the last two years, Donald Trump’s rise has drawn attention to the Republican Party’s lurch toward the right. Opposition to current levels of immigration, illegal and otherwise, has taken on a tone that is stridently populist, even reactionary.

Meanwhile on the left, big-city mayors and blue-state legislatures are declaring sanctuaries for undocumented residents. Democrats have criticized not just Trump’s limitations on refugees, travelers from Muslim countries, and H-1B visas, but also his stepped-up enforcement of existing immigration laws. While liberals and progressives have stopped short of endorsing open borders, they’ve come to treat opposition to illegal immigration and constraints on illegal immigration as unacceptable, even racist.

In academia and the media, Trumpism is receiving plenty of attention. Yet the Democrats’ new default position — that opposition to illegal immigration and constraints on legal immigration are virtually unacceptable — is just as extreme, certainly by historic standards. The shift in the liberal perspective has just received far less scrutiny.