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70% of All Those Applying for Green Cards would meet “Public Charge ” Criteria

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from Hemant Bhatt

Ridgewood NJ, according to the Star Ledger, out of 544,000 people on average applying annually for green cards, 382,000 (More than 70%) fall into the categories that would be subject to review of restricting issue of Green Cards, if they use Medicaid, food stamps, housing vouchers or other forms of public assistance.

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Meanwhile, Rioting Breaks Out In Sweden

Rioting Breaks Out In Sweden

by Tyler Durden
Feb 21, 2017 5:19 AM

It would appear the mainstream media (along with several celebrities and Swedish politicians) is going to be apologizing to President Trump once again.

Having spent the entire new cycle trying to ignore the immigrant crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, both Dagbladet and Expressen reports riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated Stockholdm borough of Rinkeby, Sweden with police firing warning shots as 100s of young people throw stones and burn cars.

During the evening hundreds of young people gathered in the center of Rinkeby, well known for its high concentration of immigrants and people with immigrant ancestry.

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Your Fired : NBC drops Donald Trump over comments about immigrants

The Celebrity Apprentice

By Associated Press

June 29, 2015 | 2:34pm

NEW YORK — NBC said Monday that it is ending its business relationship with mogul and GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump because of comments he made about immigrants during the announcement of his campaign.

NBC said it would no longer air the annual “Miss USA” and “Miss Universe” pageants, which had been a joint venture between the company and Trump. Trump has said he is no longer appearing in the television show “The Apprentice.” NBC said “Celebrity Apprentice” will continue to go on without him.

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Unions make push to recruit protected immigrants


Unions make push to recruit protected immigrants

December 25, 2014    Last updated: Thursday, December 25, 2014, 1:21 AM
Wire Service

* Leaders say Obama’s move gives protection from retaliation

CHICAGO — Unions across the U.S. are reaching out to immigrants affected by President Obama’s recent executive action, hoping to expand their dwindling ranks by recruiting millions of workers who entered the U.S. illegally.

Labor leaders say the president’s action, which curbs deportation and gives work permits to some 4 million immigrants, will give new protection to workers who have been reluctant to join for fear of retaliation.

“I think we’ll see very positive changes” because of the action, said Tom Balanoff, president of Service Employees Interna-tional Union Local 1. “One of them, I hope, is that more workers will come forward and want to organize.”

SEIU, whose more than 2 million members include janitors and maintenance workers, recently announced a website where immigrants can learn about the action. The AFL-CIO says it’s training organizers to recruit eligible workers. And the United Food and Commercial Workers and other unions are planning workshops and partnering with community groups and churches to reach out to immigrants.

The efforts come even as Republicans and other opponents of Obama’s action work to undo it, saying it will hurt American workers, and as some labor experts say they Are skeptical immigrants will feel safe enough to unionize in large numbers.

Labor unions have struggled over the past decade to maintain their membership and political muscle. The ranks fell by more than 1.2 million between 2003 and 2013, when there were about 14.5 million members nationwide, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The percentage of workers who were union members fell from 12.9 percent to 11.3 percent during that same period.

Business-friendly Republican governors have approved measures in recent years aimed at weakening labor, even in places such as Michigan that were once considered union strongholds. In Obama’s home state of Illinois, a GOP businessman unseated the Democratic governor last month in part by promising to constrain labor’s influence in government.

Unions say they can help protect immigrants against abuses such as wage theft and discrimination. And even if the immigrants aren’t citizens and cannot vote, they can help unions by paying dues and doing the heavy lifting needed around election time — knocking on doors, driving voters to the polls and making phone calls for pro-labor candidates. Republicans say the executive actions — which would affect people who have children and have been in the U.S. more than five years — will make it tougher for Americans already struggling to find good-paying jobs. They’ve pushed legislation to void the new protections.

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Sorry Millennials: All Net Jobs Growth Since 2007 Has Gone to Immigrants


Sorry Millennials: All Net Jobs Growth Since 2007 Has Gone to Immigrants
By Ryan Lovelace
December 19, 2014 11:15 AM

All of the net gains in in jobs since 2007 have gone to immigrants — both legal and illegal — according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies, meaning that fewer native-born Americans are working today than were at the end of 2007.

From November 2007 through November 2014, the number of employed native-born Americans has decreased more than 1.45 million, while the number of employed immigrants has risen by more than 2 million (as the immigrant population grew rapidly, too), according to data compiled by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics.

“Native employment has still not returned to pre-recession levels, while immigrant employment already exceeds pre-recession levels,” the report says. “Furthermore, even with recent job growth, the number of natives not in the labor force (neither working nor looking for work) continues to increase.”

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Thomas J. Donohue :A steady flow of talented, industrious immigrants can fuel a booming economy


Thomas J. Donohue :A steady flow of talented, industrious immigrants can fuel a booming economy
Thomas J. Donohue is president and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

McClatchy-Tribune News ServiceFebruary 13, 2014

WASHINGTON — In a global economy, investment follows talent. When we draw top talent to our shores, investment dollars follow because companies want to be near the best workers.

An infusion of capital and economic development will be a tide that lifts all boats, creating jobs and opportunity for all Americans.

But the reverse is also true. If companies can’t find talent on U.S. soil, or if it becomes too costly and burdensome, they will move their operations elsewhere. It’s in our own best interests to welcome the world’s brightest minds and hardest workers into our economy.

Immigrants can help bridge a growing skills gap in science, technology, engineering and math – the so-called STEM fields that are vital to a modern, competitive economy.