Big Brother Says Its the Place to Go !
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, a new report from Swiss Policy Research concludes that after 22 months of the COVID pandemic: “Sweden Has Been Vindicated.”
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, a new report from Swiss Policy Research concludes that after 22 months of the COVID pandemic: “Sweden Has Been Vindicated.”
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, France and Germany joined Finland, Norway, and Sweden in recommending that the Moderna SARS-CoV-2 vaccine not be used for individuals under the age of 30 due to increased risk of myocarditis in that age group. Denmark has similarly recommended against offering the vaccine to individuals under the age of 18. French authorities recently emphasized, however, that vaccine effectiveness was slightly higher for the Moderna vaccine than for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, and the Moderna product should be preferentially utilized for individuals aged 30 years or older. The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has authorized the Moderna vaccine for use in individuals aged 12 years and older.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Consensus is forming among public health experts and scientists worldwide: the highly transmissible Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 changed the COVID-19 pandemic, dashing hopes of widespread vaccination creating herd immunity that could protect people from infection and guaranteeing the novel coronavirus will become endemic. While the vaccines are highly effective at preventing serious illness or death, they do not fully protect the vaccinated from infection. Additionally, people who had previous SARS-CoV-2 infections are not necessarily protected from infection from future variants.
Continue reading “Experts:” Cast Doubt on “Herd Immunity” but Sweden Proves them Wrong
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, “I stand behind my comment that the lockdowns are the single worst public health mistake in the last 100 yrs,” Jay Bhattacharya, a prof of medicine at Stanford, said. “We will be counting the catastrophic health and psychological harms… for a generation”
Continue reading What One Year of Lockdowns Have Taught Us All
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, a new research letter in the New England Journal of Medicine presents comprehensive data from Sweden, where schoolchildren up to age 16 never stopped going to school and never adopted masks or distancing measures.
Among the 1.9 million children in Sweden, just 15 required intensive care and zero died. Less than 10 preschool teachers and 20 schoolteachers required intensive care, the latter substantially lower than the average across all professions.
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood Nj, according to Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and various news media reports, a Swedish health officials claimed that infection rates in Stockholm are slowing and that parts of the country could achieve “herd immunity” in the next several weeks. According to Dr. Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s national epidemiologist, epidemiological models indicated that data are showing decreased transmission in some cities, including Stockholm, and that there could be enough infected individuals in the city to make a substantial impact by May. He acknowledged that the models could be incorrect. The announcement comes amid reports of increased deaths in Sweden, which Dr. Tegnell attributed to a failure to protect high-risk populations rather than elevated levels of community transmission. Sweden has taken a rather unorthodox approach to responding to COVID-19, compared to other countries, resisting efforts to implement more aggressive social distancing measures. Swedish officials have emphasized that they are not attempting to develop herd immunity, but rather, they are not implementing formal “lockdown” like other countries. Despite the less aggressive distancing measures, Sweden has reported an increase in unemployment to 8%.
by Tyler Durden
Feb 21, 2017 5:19 AM
It would appear the mainstream media (along with several celebrities and Swedish politicians) is going to be apologizing to President Trump once again.
Having spent the entire new cycle trying to ignore the immigrant crisis facing Sweden, and pin the ignorant tail on Trump, both Dagbladet and Expressen reports riots breaking out in the highly immigrant concentrated Stockholdm borough of Rinkeby, Sweden with police firing warning shots as 100s of young people throw stones and burn cars.
During the evening hundreds of young people gathered in the center of Rinkeby, well known for its high concentration of immigrants and people with immigrant ancestry.