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Former Ridgewood Board of Education Member Gets Arrested for DUI in Glen Rock

police lights 1

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Glen Rock NJ, during the coarse of a motor vehicle stop , on Prospect Street near East Gramercy Place , Glen Rock Police officer T.J. Graziani  arrested a 51 year old Ridgewood man for driving while intoxicated . The man was transported to Glen Rock Police Headquarters where he was processed and released to the custody of a sober adult . His vehicle was impounded in accordance with John’s Law . Additional summons ere issued  for careless driving, disregard of a stop sign and failure to posses a drivers license and  registration .

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911 Call Leads to Unconscious Male Found at South Maple in Ridgewood

ridgewood police Unconscious Male

photos courtesy of Boyd Loving’s Facebook

March 31,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, A 911 telephone caller that reported observing an adult male laying unconscious behind a group of bushes on South Maple Avenue near Walton Street, Ridgewood resulted in an immediate response from Ridgewood PD, FD, and EMS personnel on Thursday afternoon, 03/30. The first arriving Ridgewood PD officers determined that the individual was conscious and breathing, but highly intoxicated. He was transported by ambulance to Bergen Regional Medical Center for treatment as per requirements of the NJ State Alcohol Treatment and Rehabilitation Act.

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Nyack Schools May Require Students Who Appear Intoxicated To Take Breath Test

Breath Test

February 1, 2016 10:27 AM

NYACK, N.Y. (CBSNewYork) — Students suspected of being drunk may soon have to take a breath test in one Rockland County community.

The Nyack Board of Education has been discussing the proposal for months, and it’s on the agenda for Tuesday night’s board meeting.

Under the policy, any student who appears intoxicated would be administered two breath tests within 10 minutes, WCBS 880’s Sean Adams reported. It would apply to students in school and at school-sponsored events, including dances, CBS2 reported.