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Former Prosecutor : Newark Water “Crisis was caused – in part – by the misdeeds of political cronies” During Booker Administration


Stuart Meissner, a prominent whistle blower attorney, who is considering a campaign for U.S. Senate, sent the following letter to Newark, NJ Mayor Ras Baraka regarding on the water crisis in Newark:

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Newark Turns a Corner , Water Protesters Hit VMA’s

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photos courtesy of Jared Caldara

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Newark NJ, last night clean water protesters hit the VMA’a and were quickly dispersed by the police .

Newark Police units with the assistance of The Emergency Services Unit, SWAT, NJ State Police, and NPD1 helicopter dispersed a gathering of about 75 protesters who reportedly became unruly during the red carpet segment of the VMA’s this evening.

According to police, officer physically restrained then arrested about a half dozen of the protesters who attempted to force their way into restricted areas around the red carpet.

Officials say, one of the men almost jumped over the barricade and came in close contact with red carpet participants at the intersection of Edison Place and Mulberry Street.

Police were able to immediately take the man into custody.

Statement by Newark Mayor Ras J. Baraka:

“This morning, I was honored to join Governor Phil Murphy and Essex County Executive Joseph N. DiVincenzo to announce that we are expediting the replacement of every lead service line in the City of Newark. Thanks to the $120 million low-interest loan, made possible by the Essex County Improvement Authority, we will be able to achieve our goal of replacing every lead service line in Newark by expediting the process tremendously and at no cost to homeowners. This is big news for the City of Newark but also sets a precedent across the country about how New Jersey is stepping up to the plate to address water infrastructure challenges for its residents.

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Gottheimer Calls on State, SUEZ to Address Lead in Water


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

GLEN ROCK NJ , Following the tests of elevated lead in the water as reported by on Wednesday, January 16, 2019, U.S. Congressman Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5), once again, called for immediate action to address the threat of lead in our drinking water and the serious risks it poses for children and families in the local community.

SUEZ, a major private water utility in the state, said Wednesday they found water samples from multiple customers of its Haworth have shown elevated levels of lead. SUEZ said that 57 municipalities in Bergen and Hudson counties are affected by the tainted water.

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Lead in Water Detected in 47 Bergen school districts including Ridgewood


July 24,2017

the staff of the Rmidgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Lead has been detected in more than half of the water fountains and sinks in 47 school districts in Bergen County, including Ridgewood according to a new report by Environment New Jersey an environmental advocacy group.

In April the Ridgewood blog reported on the test results in the Ridgewood school system . The State of New Jersey requires all drinking water in our school facilities to be tested for lead during the 2016-2017 school year.

The majority of the districts surveyed by Environment New Jersey had at least one fountain or sink where lead readings exceeded 15 parts per billion , that is the level set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that requires districts to take some action.

Most school districts shut down water fountains, replaced pipes and plumbing fixtures or installed filters to reduce the levels. Most of the time lead contamination does not come from water suppliers, but rather from old pipes and plumbing fixtures.

Eight of the 10 schools in the Ridgewood school system had at least one lead reading above the federal standard.

Politicians have of coarse jumped on the bandwagon ,led by Democrat Senator Booker ,  Democrat Congressman Josh Gottheimer  and State Sen. Bob Gordon, D-Fair Lawn all have pushed for more funds ie increased taxes to save the day .

Questions arise as to where these politicians have been the last 10 years ? The Ridgewood School district has shown positive results every time they test . It seems old pipes and even older buildings are often the source . Senator Booker did nothing about the led problem the entire time he was Mayor of Newark ?

The lead in water issue seems like most things in New Jersey , ignore the problem then when it promises new funding act like it just happened and the New Jersey media blames the governor .

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These 88 NJ schools had lead in water — ‘Poland Springs’ not real fix, activists say

water from the tap

By Townsquare Staff March 16, 2017 7:39 PM

Reported and written by David Matthau and Adam Hochron

A new report by Environment New Jersey Research & Policy Center calls for comprehensive action on testing and remediating lead-contaminated drinking water in schools and communities across the Garden State.

The report, which gives New Jersey a grade of C-, also documents the health effects of exposure to lead, especially in children.

“We can’t sit on our hands and we can’t point to a Poland Springs strategy of thou shalt only drink bottled water,” said Doug O’Malley, director of Environment New Jersey.

After a growing number of New Jersey districts last year began revealing that some of their drinking water was contaminated with lead, the state Department of Education began requiring regular testing and reporting of those results to the state.

Since then, at least 30 districts have reported high levels of lead in 88 school buildings, according to records obtained by New Jersey 101.5. This number includes both public and private schools.

The high levels were found in water fountains, kitchen sinks used for cooking as well as bathroom sinks and wash basins.

But the exact number of schools with lead contamination is even higher.

Read More: More than two dozen districts report high lead levels in schools |