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Reader says Water supply does not seem to be decreasing due to any climate change, but rather due to poor planning and management of existing infrastructure


Water supply does not seem to be decreasing due to any climate change, but rather due to poor planning and management of existing infrastructure.
From the State of NJ DEP at
“Total annual precipitation data are also available from the State Climatologist (see
Figure 4). Analysis of the data shows a statistically significant increasing trend (Kendall
Tau = 0.16; p<0.05) since 1895 in total annual precipitation and the departure from
normal with pronounced year-to-year variation. To date, 2011 was the wettest year
on record. In August of 2011, Tropical Storm Irene dropped more than 17” of
precipitation over the State.
Although increased precipitation is projected for New Jersey’s future climate, there is
considerable uncertainty with respect to the magnitude of change from the baseline
as well as the seasonality of the change, which remain active areas of research.”