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Suspect Arrested in Manchester Bias-Crime Spree That Included House Fire, Anti-Semitic Vandalism of More Than a Dozen Houses

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the straff of the Ridgewood blog

MANCHESTER TOWNSHIP NJ, Attorney General Matthew J. Platkin and Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer announced today that a suspect has been arrested on numerous charges in connection with a fire that gutted a house and anti-Semitic graffiti spray-painted on several homes in Manchester Township late Tuesday, June 6, and into the early morning on Wednesday, June 7, 2023.

Continue reading Suspect Arrested in Manchester Bias-Crime Spree That Included House Fire, Anti-Semitic Vandalism of More Than a Dozen Houses

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New Jersey AG and Ocean County Prosecutor Investigate Multiple incidences of Antisemitism

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Manchester Township NJ,  General Matthew J. Platkin and Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley D. Billhimer today announced an ongoing investigation after several residential properties were spray-painted with swastikas and a suspicious house fire ignited in Manchester Township in a suspected bias incident on Tuesday.

Continue reading New Jersey AG and Ocean County Prosecutor Investigate Multiple incidences of Antisemitism