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March 22nd, 1780…a letter is drafted and sent to the Continental Outpost at Paramus Church being delivered by Lt. Colonel Richard Varick

old parmaus church

March 23,2018

first posted by the Bergen County Historical Society

Ridgewood NJ, form the Bergen County Historical Society on March 22nd, 1780…a letter is drafted and sent to the Continental Outpost at Paramus Church being delivered by Lt. Colonel Richard Varick …

To the Officer as Paramus,

We, the subscribers, magistrates, sheriff and officers of militia…residing in Hackensack and its vicinity…make application to you for a detachment or party from your command to assist in protecting us and our neighbors, the well-affected inhabitants to the American cause against the incursions and depredations of small parties of the enemy and their vile abettors, the Refugees..

We are credibly informed that the enemy have in contemplation to make an attack and incursion on the inhabitants of Hackensack within five days..

The well-affected inhabitants, though willing to risk their persons in defense of their property, are too few in number….for the purpose of repelling the enemies’ parties or keeping up continued guards and scouts for their security…

Hendrick Kuyper and Peter Haring, Justices; Jacob Terhune and Isaac Vanderbeek, freeholders; Adam Boyd sheriff, Cornelius Haring, adjutant; and John Outwater, Samuel Demarest, Elias Romeyn, and David Demarest, militia captains (Photo of the Paramus Church, in modern day Ridgewood, where the Continental army had a string of outposts connecting back to Morristown)

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RHS Alumni Association announces 2018 distinguished Alumni event March 22nd


2018 Distinguished Alumni Event

February 25,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, RHS Alumni Association will host the second biannual Ridgewood High School Alumni Association’s 2018 Distinguished Alumni Event.

March 22nd at 7:00 pm
Park West Tavern Loft
Premium Open Bar, Dinner, Valet
Ticket Pricing:
$150 Per Person
Smart Casual

MichaelAaron Flicker ’01
Carole Jones ’81
Dr. John Poole ’74
Jim Stroker ’70