file photo by Boyd Loving
by Boyd A. Loving
file photo by Boyd Loving
by Boyd A. Loving
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, New Jersey voters overwhelmingly supported legalizing marijuana on the November ballot. But many municipalities in the state are banning dispensaries, pot farms and manufacturing, and taking a “not in my back yard” approach to legalized marijuana sales.
Continue reading Bergen Towns Follow Different Paths on Legalizing Marijuana
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Village Council has once again put HealthBarn USA’s future at Habernickel Park’s Gate House on hold , The Village Council agreed to delay a new lease offer until the cost of repairs to the building is known.
Continue reading HealthBarn USA’s future at Habernickel Park’s Gate House Still Uncertain
photo by Boyd Loving
An important budget message from Mayor Susan Knudsen:
Dear fellow Ridgewood residents,
Last summer the Village of Ridgewood began working on this year’s 2021 municipal budget. Unlike other municipalities, Ridgewood engages in in a robust and transparent budget process with each department director required to prepare an annual budget. The Village Manager, CFO, and Treasurer work diligently alongside Department Directors to ensure budgets meet Village standards without overburdening taxpayers.
Continue reading Mayor Susan Knudsen: Ridgewood Budgeting Process
photo courtesy of the Village of Ridgewood
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, Mayor Susan Knudsen swears in Andrew Van Dyke on 1/19/21 as Ridgewood’s newest Police Officer while his mother Patricia Van Dyke held the Bible. Andrew will attend the Bergen County Police Academy which begins on January 22nd.
June 3,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood police report the downside of online shopping . On May 23rd, a West Saddle River Road resident reported a fraud and a theft occurred in the past. The victim reported purchasing several Louis Vuitton and Gucci items online from a merchant in China. The victim reported after receiving shipment she noticed the items were not authentic and attempted to return the items but discovered the website was no longer in service. The merchant in China was reached by email and agreed to reimburse the victim but reported the shipping was approximately $400. The victim was advised to file a report and forward it to her credit card company for reimbursement.
Re-elect Knudsen & Sedon for Village Council
Dear friends, supporters, and fellow Ridgewood residents,
We are humbled by the outpouring of support that you sent our way throughout the Village Council election campaign. The last few weeks were difficult, even painful, in some ways, although also positive as we geared up for our big win. We hope that future council candidates will recognize and embrace our shared values of honesty, decency, and commitment to what is best for our community and will gear their campaign materials to their own plans and accomplishments rather than to denigrating their opponents. We can proudly state that despite being goaded, we refused to travel that route.
Thank you to the hundreds of residents who signed nominating petitions in February and March and to the many residents who helped in March, April, and early May with coffees and “meet-and-greets,” lawn sign distribution and pickup, canvassing, phone banks, train station presence, website upkeep, emailing and texting, letter writing, chauffeuring, editing and proofreading, financial donations (it’s getting increasingly expensive to run for council), cooking and baking, and even wardrobe consultation (that pink blouse).
If you did something that we have omitted here, thank you for that, too. We recognize the countless hours you spent away from your families and other responsibilities and activities that you are just catching up with now. We appreciated every work hour, every positive message, every hug, the cards and flowers. In short, we are deeply grateful for everything our wonderful fellow residents did to help us win re-election. We thank the thousands of Ridgewood residents who believed in us enough to vote for us.
We all love this special Village we call home, Ridgewood 07450-07451!
With sincere gratitude,
Susan and Mike
Mayor Susan Knudsen and Deputy Mayor Mike Sedon
March 6,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
RIDGEWOOD, N.J.—Mayor Susan Knudsen and Deputy Mayor Michael Sedon are certified to run for both open seats on the Ridgewood Village Council in this May 8th municipal election.
Both incumbents share a view of the future that includes smart, organic development which fits into the character of the Village while maintaining that history and charm responsible for drawing so many current residents to our town.
“As we embark on a complete rewrite of our current, outdated Master Plan few councils have had the opportunity to impact the Village’s future development as we do right now,” Sedon said. “For too many years long-range planning has been conducted through a hodgepodge of mostly contested Master Plan amendments. Rewriting this document will allow us to memorialize what we have today in the Village, and it will guide growth and development for the next 50 years.”
Knudsen focuses on taxes, services and the future, “Village Council members are responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars; our charge is to ensure each and every tax dollar is used prudently and responsibly while delivering reliable and quality services,” Knudsen said. “Looking toward the future, we are working diligently to make certain Ridgewood remains a wonderful place to live, work, raise a family and age in place for generations to come.”
Long-time resident Knudsen was elected to the Ridgewood Village Council in 2014, serving as mayor since 2016. Knudsen is a member of the Ridgewood Planning Board, Site Plan Exemption Committee, Historic Preservation Commission and Master Plan Advisory Committee. Knudsen also serves on the Community Access Network supporting our special needs community, Project Pride, Community Relations Advisory Board, Fourth of July Committee, Village Interfaith Group and Special Projects Task Force. She is also a parishioner of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and is a long time member of the Ridgewood High School Jamboree Scholarship Program providing need-based scholarship opportunities to graduating seniors. Prior to being elected in 2014, Knudsen served as the Zoning Board of Adjustment Vice-chairman.
Currently Sedon is working as a freelance writer, and he is also a parishioner at Our Lady of Mount Carmel, member of the Ridgewood Knights of Columbus and serves on the Ridgewood Environmental Advisory Committee, Green Team, Shade Tree Commission, Community Center Advisory Board and the Special Projects Task Force. He has served on the Citizens Safety Advisory Committee and the Open Space Committee.
After settling most of the major issues of the past such as housing densities, the hospital expansion and critical infrastructure repair and attention, Knudsen and Sedon feel the time is right to guide the Village into the future with proven leadership and openness to listen to our residents providing a level of transparency in government that lets citizens become a meaningful part of the process.
Knudsen and Sedon have worked to keep taxes stable in their first four years serving the Village, while staying committed to modernizing Ridgewood Water, maintaining services and ending years of expensive litigation.
They have allocated $2 million each year toward paving our roads, oversaw a much improved leaf collection process, worked with all stakeholders to arrive at a compromise to develop new park lands, planted hundreds of new street trees and continue to support our Central Business District.
Proven leadership, a willingness to listen to and respect residents and a track record of accomplishment, Knudsen and Sedon remain energized and committed to moving Ridgewood forward while respecting and maintaining the history and character of the Village that makes Ridgewood special.
file photo Boyd Loving
February 15,2018
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, During last night’s Village Council meeting, Rurik Halaby accused Mayor Susan Knudsen of personally orchestrating a web based smear campaign against his candidate (Alexandra Harwin). Halaby alleged that The Ridgewood Blog was being used “headquarters” for this activity.
Mr. Halaby referred to the Ridgewood blog in the endearing terms that President Trump was alleged to use in referring to certain 3rd world countries, who Glen Rock Mayor Bruce Packer invited to move to Glen Rock . He also referred to his friends and neighbors who read this blog , stating he knows who they are (does that mean all 30,000 plus ) in the most derogatory terms .
As for Alexandra Harwin the new face of the 3 amigos , she moved to Ridgewood in 2014 , her husband is a Rabbi from Washington Township who was very involved in attacking Mayor Knudsen during the “gay flag” controversy and is a very active member of Community Relations Advisory Board of Ridgewood and Glen Rock.
Alexandra is part of Emerge New Jersey a Democrat group that is involved in promoting liberal women and training them to run for office .
Village Council – Election 2018 – Nominating Petitions & Campaign Donations
o ARRANGE FOR PICKUP from your home by texting or calling me at 201-394-0666. Include your name and street address.
To help even more, please forward this message to friends and neighbors and share printouts of both forms.
To make sure yours count:
Nominating petitions must be signed precisely as the signer’s name appears in the official voter
registration listings—including middle initials, if any. Village Hall officials (not the Council!)
will carefully compare the format of all petition signatures against the voting rolls.
Any discrepancy will invalidate the petition. Hundreds are tossed in every council election.You can see how you’re listed at this state website: https://www.njelections.org/
Click on “Am I Registered?” Then enter your name and birth month and year. That’s it.
If you are not a registered voter: Please become one, but do not sign these forms until you do.
Because 2 spots on the Council—ours—are open this time, each voter may sign up to 2 nominating
petitions for this election. Any additional petitions would be disallowed.In a few weeks, as campaign season kicks off, we will describe our many accomplishments and reveal
our goals and objectives, including the new Village of Ridgewood Master Plan!
For now, campaign contributions are welcome and appreciated. Kindly make checks payable to:
Knudsen-Sedon for Village Council and send to 120 Circle Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450
or via PayPal https://www.paypal.com/cgi-
** note: A contribution which is more than $300 in the aggregate from one source in an election will be detailed to NJ ELEC campaign filings.
Feel free to call me at 201-394-0666 with comments or questions.
In gratitude,
Mayor Susan Knudsen
Request petitions for Mike and Susan email VoteKnudsen@gmail.com
file photo by Boyd Loving
I posted on the blog in support of the mayor and the police after reading the attacks on the police department. I’m not a member of the mayors so called crew and find your comment is offensive.
Why on heaven’s earth would the mayor or her supports bring the police into the conversation. The discussion of police stems from a complaint by Dan delzino that was dismissed by an ethics department.
Since the ethics violation was dismissed why did mr. Delzino take to the Ridgewood blog to anonymously attack the woman and the police.
I support mayor knudsen and do so without being part your fantasy crew. More like mr. Delzino has a crew attacking the mayor and police, delzino and his crew should stop.
September 7,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, hurricanes are in season so we asked Ridgewood Mayor Susan Knudsen has the Village enhanced its hurricane response since hurricane Sandy ? During Sandy it seemed the only Village Hall response was to blame PSEG while Mount Carmel Church took on the brunt of the relief work and received little to no credit .
Hi James,
The Village is well organized and prepared for the possibility of severe hurricane conditions. Upon confirmation of the hurricane path, our OEM team will meet and begin mobilizing all necessary resources to ensure the safety and well-being of Village Residents. Protecting Ridgewood residents remains paramount and deployed resources will support this primary objective.
Information will be disseminated utilizing an array of enhance communications and, as always, by asking fellow residents to share information forward and to check in on the elderly and home-bound.
Ridgewood’s relationship with PSE&G has been significantly strengthened over the past year as part of an important initiative to work collaboratively with the utility. However, Ridgewood acknowledges PSE&G must prioritize efforts to restore power during widespread outages.
I have great confidence in our Village Manager, Ridgewood Police, Fire, EMT’s, professionals and dedicated staff to manage any weather event.
Finally, the efforts, assistance, and generosity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and others, is always greatly appreciated.
Best regards,
file photo by Boyd Loving
An open letter to Mr. Richard Joel, the Chairman of the Planning Board re the newly constituted Master Plan Subcommittee:
Dear Mr. Joel:
I listened in to certain parts of the past few Planning Board meetings, and would like to share some thoughts with you.
I agree it is critically important for the Planning Board to set up a Master Plan Subcommittee that can play a critical role in determining the vitality of Ridgewood’s future. I feel strongly, however, that this Subcommittee should be manned with a selection of prominent members of Ridgewood Residents who represent a cross section of the community and disciplines. It is imperative that the Subcommittee has the benefit of a free exchange of creative ideas of smart people who care about our town.
In my opinion, this Subcommittee should be chaired by you or Mr. Joel Torielli and include one or two members of the Planning Board but that it should not include Mayor Knudsen, as I will make clear later.
Listening to the Planning Board meeting one wonders if it is you or the Mayor who is chairing the meeting. The problem of having someone with the Mayor’s domineering personality is that she sucks the air out of the room, discouraging a healthy and honest debate on issues. Most people do not like confrontation, and withdraw into their shell in the presence of someone who dominates a meeting. Hence my recommendation that she stay off the Subcommittee.
Another point is the order in which the Planning Board votes. I see she votes first, then you. I assume you are the senior member of the Planning Board and thus you should vote first. I assume the Mayor and Mr. Voigt are ex-officio members (?) and should vote last. Having said that, you may consider voting as I believe they do in the Supreme Court, with the order being in reverse order of seniority by tenure. Thus, the justice who is the most recent appointee votes first. I understand that the reason for this if for the newer members to feel free to vote as they see fit without feeling pressured by longer serving justices. You are a lawyer and would know more about this than I.
With thanks for your consideration, and more importantly for your service.
Best regards,
cc: Members of the Planning Bard and Village Council.