photo by Boyd Loving
August 18,2017
the staff of the Ridgewood blog
Ridgewood NJ, at the “Anti Hatred/Anti Violence” candlelight vigil the Ridgewood Police reported “No” incidents during the peaceful assembly of several hundred local residents. Again not really sure one would have reasonably expected any.
In addition to Chief Luthcke, Ridgewood Tax payers paid at least five (5) other Ridgewood Police members were observed in active service during the event.
Interesting to note one the participants “Anti Hatred/Anti Violence” candlelight vigil was the People’s Organization for Progress or POP for short. A group looking to have cop killer Joanne Chesimard removed from the Most Wanted Terrorists List. Know we know why the police presence .
The People’s Organization for Progress (POP) is an independent, grassroots, community based, politically progressive (communist) association of citizens working for racial, social and economic justice and greater unity in the community.
The main purpose of POP is to work for the immediate improvement of conditions in our community and the fundamental transformation off this country towards a more just society…..hummm through Communism , didnt learn anything from North Korea or Venezuela I guess.
from their website :
The People’s Organization For Progress (POP) is calling a MARCH FOR REPARATIONS: A march to demand Reparations for African Americans from the United States government for the enslavement of our African ancestors. The march is scheduled to take place a year from now on Saturday, June 24, 2017, 12 noon in Newark, New Jersey.
On July 6th, the People’s Organization for Progress participated in a press conference and rally in support of beleaguered Essex County College professor Lisa Durden, who was recently suspended and then terminated for a recent appearance on Fox Five in a debate segment on The Black Lives Matter Movement.
The People’s Organization For Progress (POP) calls upon the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to remove Assata Shakur (Joanne Chesimard) from its Most Wanted Terrorists List. She does not belong on the list because Ms. Shakur was never charged nor convicted of an act of domestic or international terrorism.
Is the mayor or the police supporting this ? Are residents supporting this ?