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Reader says Mr. Aronsohn’s, Mr. Pucciarelli’s and Mrs. Hauck’s continue to behave as though “rules are for others”.


Reader says Mr. Aronsohn’s, Mr. Pucciarelli’s and Mrs. Hauck’s continue to behave as though “rules are for others”.

This is only the latest example of Mr. Aronsohn’s, Mr. Pucciarelli’s and Mrs. Hauck’s behaving as though “rules are for others”. They all accepted free tickets to Gov. Christie’s fundraiser from Mr. Saraceno in violation of the Council’s own gift acceptance policy. The 3 have also been caught meeting with developers in violation of the Sunshine Laws. Twice. Mrs. Hauck was allowed to cast her vote for Mayor from vacation but Mrs. Knudson was not able to vote remotely on another issue.

Just ask Mr. Richie, who these 3 tarred and feathered over the “perception of a conflict” when Mrs. Hauck publicly advocates for Valley Hospital’s expansion. Just ask our former Village Manager who was publicly ridiculed and dismissed over what these 3 considered to be his failure to follow the rules.

Never have I seen such blatant double standards. None of these 3 would ever have a shot at maintaining standards to which they hold their critics