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Get ready for New Jersey’s own version of ‘Murphy’s Law’

Phill Murphy -Sara Medina del Castillo

By Dennis Malloy July 24, 2017 7:55 AM

It’s almost a forgone conclusion that Phil Murphy will be elected New Jersey’s next governor come this November. So prepare yourself for our version of “Murphy’s Law”.

“Any tax than can go up, will….and at the worst possible moment”.

Our current governor has a dismal approval rating of just below 15 percent. It’s the lowest in the country and maybe of all time. It’s very easy now to deride Governor Christie for any number of missteps and insults to us citizens over the last few years.

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But as I’ve said many times, once “Chubby” pulls his fat little thumb out of the dyke, the torrent of taxes and fees coming our way to pay for what the Democrats want, will drown us all.

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