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New Village Manager Kenneth Gabbert has "Flood Zone" Experience

>In a Friday, September 11, 2009 article,”Flooding concerns no longer a worry in Little Ferry” ,Kenneth Gabbert presented some ideas as to flooding issues in the town of Little Ferry ,perhaps since so many Village assets and resources are currently situated in flood zone’s maybe the VC thought it was finally time to start addressing this issue?

The unusually wet summer might’ve dampened many barbecues and vacations this past season, but Little Ferry officials are relieved that the high precipitation totals didn’t rain on their parade. In the past, the amount of rainfall in the area — more than 14 inches in June and July alone — would have likely resulted in major flooding, but improvements to drainage and pump stations have decreased the number of sticky, or in this case, wet situations.

“Since the addition of the three Losen Slote pump stations, the amount of flooding has been greatly reduced,” Borough Administrator Kenneth Gabbert said following last month’s mayor and council meeting, a session in which flooding issues emerged.

According to Gabbert, Little Ferry last suffered borough-wide flooding in 1992. Since then, only patches of flooding have appeared despite the fact that the entire municipality is in a 100-year flood plain.

The combination of high tide and heavy rain in a short period of time resulted in the 1992 flooding. At that time, pumps had not been installed to remove water.

“In contrast,” Gabbert said, “the 1999 Hurricane Floyd which devastated north and central New Jersey for weeks caused minor flooding in Little Ferry.”

Flooding has been limited because of the borough’s “aggressive” handling, including the addition of pump stations and maintenance of storm drains.

“On the rare occasions where basements take in water, the DPW and Fire Department are active with pumps,” Gabbert said, adding that the borough provides large garbage receptacles to collect any damaged items and debris and arranges special pickups.