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For Congress: Garrett


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For Congress: Garrett
Posted: Nov 01, 2014 8:51 PM EDT Updated: Nov 01, 2014 8:51 PM EDT

Scott Garrett is routinely characterized as the most conservative member of New Jersey’s House delegation, and maybe of the entire House of Representatives. Voters in New Jersey’s 5th District, which includes most of Sussex County, have elected him to Congress six times. Clearly they feel comfortable with his positions.

Sussex County voters in particular respond to this Wantage resident’s calls to cut spending, reduce taxes, lessen regulation and scale back the federal government’s role in a variety of areas from education to health care, and his full protection of the Constitution.

And Garrett has been consistent in this stance since the beginning, long before much of the Republican Party came around to his way of thinking. He stands by his principles, a too rare trait among politicians.

Garrett’s opponent in Tuesday’s election, Roy Cho, is quite a different animal. His campaign pitch, with its emphasis on infrastructure spending and public-private partnerships, has the tone of a moderate Republican of perhaps a generation or two ago. He’s young, educated and enthusiastic, if inexperienced, and certainly does not have deep roots in our district, having recently moved into it. Cho’s message might have a stronger appeal for the more urban parts of the district, but it doesn’t play as well here in Sussex County.

But while the voters of Garrett’s district invariably come through for him, he could stand to do more for them. His seniority and top committee roles, increasing with each election, should be beneficial to his district.

He admits a preference to working behind the scenes where, without worry of who gets credit, he can accomplish goals over political grandstanding. Consequently, his successes are not clearly communicated to his constituency. In a meeting with the Herald’s editorial board he indicated openness to, if not enthusiasm for, a forum such as a town hall meeting.

Garrett is unlikely to modify his essential conservative approach to governing, and voters thank him for that at the ballot box.

Garrett represents the thinking of a lot of Sussex County residents. The Herald endorses him for a seventh term in Congress.

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N.J. Democratic congressional candidate Roy Cho’s voting record raises residency questions


N.J. Democratic congressional candidate Roy Cho’s voting record raises residency questions
By Matt Friedman | NJ Advance Media for 
October 20, 2014 at 7:19 PM, updated October 21, 2014 at 12:52 AM

TRENTON — Roy Cho, the Democratic candidate who’s presenting a tough challenge to Republican U.S. Rep. Scott Garrett, says he moved into the congressional district in the summer of 2012.

But records show he cast a vote from Manalapan, 52 miles to the south, in November, 2012 — more than two months after his campaign said he moved to Hackensack, in the 5th Congressional District.

“Roy Cho says he moved to Hackensack in the summer of 2012. So why then did he vote in Manalapan in November 2012?” said Garrett spokeswoman Maggie Seidel. “Either Roy Cho is lying about his residency in the Fifth District or he’s acted illegally by committing voter fraud — or both.”

The records, provided by Garrett’s campaign, show Cho registered to vote in Hackensack in April of 2013 and began voting in the city’s May 2013 municipal elections.

Cho’s 2012 vote in Manalapan, where he grew up and his parents live, was his first vote in New Jersey since 2009. Between 2010 and 2012, the 33-year-old Cho lived in New York City, where he worked as a corporate lawyer. All of his previous votes were made in Manalapan as well.

Under New Jersey law, it’s a second degree crime to cast ballots that are “known by the person to be materially false, fictitious or fraudulent.” A Middlesex County judge, Spencer Robbins, resigned in March after he was charged withvoting twice in Woodbridge while living in Chatham.

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Cho Hasn’t Moved Beyond Photo Ops


Cho Hasn’t Moved Beyond Photo Ops

Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

We’re already grappling with a selfie presidency, Save Jerseyans.

Why would we want another selfie congressman?

NJ-05 Challenger Roy Cho apparently hopes you’re willing to give it a try. He’s a committed liberal, no doubt about it, but I’ve also said that he’s a “false choice” because he either (1) stakes out positions to make himself seem more palatable – like backing Israel and demonstrating it with a visit – but his rhetoric won’t amount to anything given his party’s growing anti-Israel orientation, or (2) he goes radio silent altogether.

Even as our men and women head into harm’s way?