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Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips Renews calls to cut N.J. corporate tax to compete with Pennsylvania


the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ,  Pennsylvania’s corporate tax cut must be a catalyst for change in New Jersey, says Assemblyman Christopher DePhillips. The lawmaker is calling on legislative leadership to prioritize his bill to lower New Jersey’s highest-in-the-nation 11.5% corporate business tax rate before companies, jobs and families move to the Keystone State.

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Reopening NJ Businesses is about the return of Livelihoods for Thousands of our Business Owners



the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the NJBIA, NJ Chamber of Commerce Issue Joint Statement on Reopening of NJ Businesses :

Michele Siekerka, president and CEO of the New Jersey Business & Industry Association, and Tom Bracken, president and CEO of the New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, issued the following statement today regarding a regional approach to reopening New Jersey businesses.

Continue reading Reopening NJ Businesses is about the return of Livelihoods for Thousands of our Business Owners

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N.J. Chamber of Commerce Honors 4 Legislators and a Prominent Business Executive including Our Own Senator Kristin M. Corrado

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photo courtesy of DeSantis Photography and Video, LLC

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Trenton NJ, When Assemblyman Anthony Bucco walked to the podium to accept a Legislator of the Year award from N.J. Chamber of Commerce, his late father – Sen. Tony Bucco – was on top of his mind.

“This is a difficult night for me,” Bucco said. “When you lose somebody, you go through a series of firsts. This is my first time attending a Chamber event without my father.” Bucco, in his remarks, noted that he and his father “both thought that when a business succeeds in New Jersey, New Jersey succeeds.”

Continue reading N.J. Chamber of Commerce Honors 4 Legislators and a Prominent Business Executive including Our Own Senator Kristin M. Corrado