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Palisades Park Council Reinstates Voided the Promotions of the Police Chief and a Captain by the Former Mayor

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staff of the Ridgewood blog

Palisades Park NJ, only days after a judge voided the promotions of the police chief and a captain by the former mayor to settle a lawsuit, the new Borough Council reinstated the promotions and returned the men to the positions.

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Judge Voids Police chief’s Appointment by ‘lame-duck’ Palisades Park Mayor

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Palisades Park NJ, State Superior Court Judge Christine Farrington ruled last Tuesday that actions taken during the borough’s former mayor, “lame-duck” period last December are invalid, and promotions are indeed void.

Continue reading Judge Voids Police chief’s Appointment by ‘lame-duck’ Palisades Park Mayor