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Ridgewood Guild’s “An Evening with Oscar®” Returns – Get Your Tickets Now!

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, movie lovers, get ready for one of Ridgewood’s most glamorous nights! The Ridgewood Guild International Film Festival is hosting its annual “An Evening with Oscar®” party on Friday, February 28th, from 8:00 PM to midnight at Park West Loft (38 Oak Street, Ridgewood).

Continue reading Ridgewood Guild’s “An Evening with Oscar®” Returns – Get Your Tickets Now!

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The Ridgewood Guild Presents “An Evening with Oscar”

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, Kudos to all this year’s nominees! See you on the Red Carpet!

Join the Ridgewood Guild as we celebrate this year’s Oscars at Park West Loft on Friday, February 22, 7:30-11:30pm. DJ, food, drinks and contests.

For info, please contact us at

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The Ridgewood Guild International Film Festival Fund Raiser!!

Ridgewood Guild Oscar Night

An Oscar Evening

You’re Invited!

February 18,2017

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, the Ridgewood Guild will be hosting a fund raiser for it’s Ridgewood Guild International Film Festival Oscar watching event.

Come walk the red carpet – Dress as your favorite movie star or movie character [optional] – DJ – Hollywood Trivia – Oscar Ballots – Prizes – Delicious Appetizers & Drinks! $50 Cash Bar or $65 for Open Bar. Join us at this Ridgewood Guild International Film Festival Fund Raiser!!!!

Join us on Friday, February 24 from 7:30 – 11:30pm at park West Loft (38 Oak St.) for an evening of fun on behalf of the Ridgewood Guild International Film Festival.

Imagine you are attending the Academy Awards – Ladies can wear a gown, men can wear a tuxedo (or a nice dress and suit, black tie NOT required). Or, if you’re feeling festive come dressed as a character from an Oscar-nominated movies from this year, or any past year.

There will be a red carpet with an interviewer and photographers. There will be Oscar trivia and gift certificates awarded for best costume and whoever picks the most winners on the Oscar ballot (The Academy Awards are only 48 hrs later).

Hot and cold appetizers will be served, and there will be a pasta station as well. We will also have dessert, coffee, tea and soft drinks.

There are 2 ticket options, $50 (if you opt for a cash bar) or $65 (premium shelf open bar until 10pm).

Tickets can be purchased by sending a check to The Ridgewood Guild, 41 N. Broad Street, Ridgewood, NJ 07450.

Please, come out and support arts in our community. You will get a lot of bang for your buck, and have a fun and memorable night with your friends and neighbors! We hope to see you there!