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A Step-by-Step Guide to Making It as a Photographer

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The rapid advancement in technology has brought new opportunities as well as challenges. Some people decide to follow their dream, creating a side hustle from their photography hobby. Others take the plunge and give up their full-time jobs to pursue this career. All it takes is for a few friends to say, ‘These pictures are great!’ or ‘I would pay good money for these photos!’ 

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Bolger Heritage Center New Feature looking back at the 1920 census to see who lived in Ridgewood

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, from the Bolger Heritage Center, at the Ridgewood Public Library , by now, you should know it’s 2020 “census time.” We at Bolger Heritage Center thought we’d start a new feature—occasionally looking back at the 1920 census to see who lived in Ridgewood at the time of that century-old census.

Continue reading Bolger Heritage Center New Feature looking back at the 1920 census to see who lived in Ridgewood