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Importance of Getting Physical Therapy

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If you are suffering from chronic and consistent pain or an inability to effectively move a part of your body in the way that you should, then chances are you could benefit from physical therapy. After all, physical therapy (PT) is a field of medicine that is dedicated to helping patients to reduce pain and improve mobility and is used to help patients with a huge range of medical conditions.

This article aims to highlight exactly why PT is so important and why you should make sure that you engage with it when you need to. After all, you can only benefit from something like PT if you know it’s available to you.

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Founder of Edgewater Physical Therapy Clinic Charged with the Unlicensed Practice of Physical Therapy

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the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Edgewater NJ, Bergen County Prosecutor Mark Musella announced that KIM POZHARSKY (DOB: 1/19/1974; single; CEO/Founder of Personal Care Professionals) of 7855 Boulevard E, Apt 10H, North Bergen, NJ was charged with the unlicensed practice of physical therapy. This is the result of an investigation conducted by the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office under the direction of Chief Jason Love.

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Are There Healthy Alternatives To Taking Pain Medication? Find Out Here

massage therapy clayton nc

Pain is a way of the body telling you that there is something wrong with it; it is like the troubleshooting mechanism that naturally reacts to abnormal functioning of the body. Pain comes in many forms and can be due to injury or illness. Depending on the cause, people take painkillers to subdue the pain and continue with their dailies.

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