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Reader Calls Out Race Baiters

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A lot of “could be” “would be” “should be” being used to slander and convict a referee who has done nothing wrong in this situation so you can satisfy your racist beliefs that white people are racist towards black people.
Lets stick to the facts:
1) The sanctioned ref was cleared and allowed to continue refereeing in good standing – this is self eveident in that the ref WAS working the match.
Also no mention of any restrictions in place on this ref was mentioned in any report of the incident (and beleive me if there were any conditions appplied to the refs standing they would have been mentioned).
2) The fact that the ref DID follow the regulations AND the prior ref DID NOT follow the rules (exposing the failures of THE OTHER ref) has no bearing nor negative impact on THIS ref.
All it does is point out that the prior ref was negligent in his duties at least one time. It may or may not indicate a larger problem with the NJSIAA. You seem to be quick to judge and condem a larger group (NJSIAA) for the sub-par performance of one member (the other ref who did not properly enforce the regulations). This is text book prejudice on your part.
You are quick to imply racist tendencies on the ref who DID follow the rules.
How about the ref that DID NOT follow the rules?
Was he racist? Did he allow a black wrestler to compete while in violation of the regulations becasue he felt blacks cannot compete on a level playing field without additional help?
Was he racist? Did he have bias towards a black wrestler and allow him to compete while in violation of the regulations because he has a hatred towards non-blacks?
Of course making these “leaps of logic” would be wrong – but it is exactly what you are doing.
THIS is the type of logic that YOU are employing by making this a racial issue and assigning bad intentions to the “white ref” who “forced a black teen” to cut his hair.
The facts remain:
1) A ref enforced the regulations
2) An athlete made the decision to compete (by having his hair cut) and not forfeit the match.
But don’t dispair, racial bias like yours will prevail. I’m highly confident that the ref will be banned or punished in some manner and the athlete and his family will get compensation of some sort.
This will still not change the facts of the case and this outcome will still be wrong.

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May 16,2018

the staff of the Ridgewood blog

Ridgewood NJ, this just in the Harwin campaign reports an additional $12,000 in contributions bringing her total contributions to $36,500 of which $10,000 was her own money.

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Obama’s difficult legacy on race


By Jordan Fabian – 05/02/15 06:00 AM EDT

From Ferguson to Baltimore, the nation’s first black president is encountering the limits of his power when it comes to healing the nation’s racial wounds.

A series of racially-charged police killings, most recently in Baltimore, are quickly becoming a part of President Obama’s second-term legacy, defying predictions that his election to the White House would help bridge the country’s oldest divide.

Obama appears increasingly frustrated by the situation, this week lashing out at people rioting in Baltimore as “thugs” and “criminals.”

The president has also brushed off critics who say his administration should be taking a more forceful approach toward police misconduct.

“The challenge for us as the federal government is, is that we don’t run these police forces,” he said Tuesday during a Rose Garden press conference. “I can’t federalize every police force in the country and force them to retrain.”

The president has struggled to find the right balance between backing law enforcement and criticizing their questionable practices when police-related deaths of black men occur.